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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

What's so hard to understand about S. Kindle having less carries(due to fatigue), and his only rest being during offensive series, yet some freaking how, he manages more yards, and more TD's (86) than Wells(61) while playing full time both ways, which for the most part is not the case for larger schools, sure every team has multi-positional players, but rarely in the larger classification do you see a kid play as many downs a game as S. Kindle (he played all special teams). so yes, if Kindle were only a RB, and he stayed relatively fresh, he's numbers would very likely have been even better. Don't feel bad, Wells is an OK back, he just dosen't have Kindles numbers. As Campies mentioned, don't be suprised to see Kindle get a few touches Sept 9th. Yall battle this out, Im outa here.

I dont really think we will see kindle get in the game as a rb unless 1 selvin jamaal and henry get hurt or two he is some crazy good back that will be our secret weapon but i seriously doubt that now if he is as good as they say he may force his way into the starting lineup in that game if texas needs more speed.
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Don't feel bad, Wells is an OK back, he just dosen't have Kindles numbers.
many great athletes play both ways... and I have never heard the argument "well he'd #1 at said position if he didn't play both ways" :lol:

why are you so obsessed with statistics?

Is Maurice Wells far better than both b/c he racked up 3000 yds 30 tds?

Did Kindle play on a team with meager blocking and zero passing game like wells?
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What's so hard to understand about S. Kindle having less carries(due to fatigue), and his only rest being during offensive series, yet some freaking how, he manages more yards, and more TD's (86) than Wells(61) while playing full time both ways, which for the most part is not the case for larger schools, sure every team has multi-positional players, but rarely in the larger classification do you see a kid play as many downs a game as S. Kindle (he played all special teams). so yes, if Kindle were only a RB, and he stayed relatively fresh, he's numbers would very likely have been even better. Don't feel bad, Wells is an OK back, he just dosen't have Kindles numbers. As Campies mentioned, don't be suprised to see Kindle get a few touches Sept 9th. Yall battle this out, Im outa here.
:cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers::groove: :cheers: :groove::cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers::groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers: :groove: :cheers::groove: :cheers: :groove:
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I'm thinking that UTMNC is really dragging down the quality of this discussion and the reps of other visiting Texas fans here. (Shocker, I know)

Can we just split out his irrelevant topics (READ: "Game Two: at Texas 9/9/06") to a thread called "UTMNC's very own Hypothetical Ohio vs Texas High School 'What If' Pissing Contest" or find some other long term solution? :wink2:

Texas fans, perhaps you can help us get this thing back on track with a new topic.

The best I could come up with was a San Antonio News article saying Texas would repeat w/o VY. I was just thinking how badly this type of article about OSU would probably be received coming from an in-state paper like the Columbus Dispatch or the Cleveland Plain Dealer...
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name a post where i said anything other than intelligent football talk. name a post that is before you started provoking me.
Here's some of your intelligent football talk:
Longhorn fever said:
now hang on before you go using excuses ginn i dont think is a wr period he is more of a pure athlete i dont think his route running has gotter better i think however he is more comfortable in that position now. while i do think he will do better against us this year i think we will be able to hold him to less than 30 yard plays.................hopefully
I'm not even sure what it means, but I know it isn't intelligent.
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many great athletes play both ways... and I have never heard the argument "well he'd #1 at said position if he didn't play both ways" :lol:

why are you so obsessed with statistics?

Is Maurice Wells far better than both b/c he racked up 3000 yds 30 tds?

Did Kindle play on a team with meager blocking and zero passing game like wells?

As a matter of fact he did. W.W H.S. played in a very tough distric, and 2005 was the first time W.W. were in the playoffs in a long time. Wilson was a horrible passing team, and other than Kindle, their only threat was the QB who was a fairly good runner. Much like Wells, Kindle had very little blocking compared to the other teams in district 4A.
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OK...I'm sick of this...Jesus H. Christ I can't believe this is still going on....grad21 has repeatedly said that stats don't mean shit when it comes to evaluating talent...Need proof why this is so? How about Antonio Gates....He played college fucking basketball and is now "arguably" the best tight end in the NFL...Tell me what the fuck his stats had to do with anything...Jesus fucking Christ it's not that difficult to underfuckingstand...Stats mean nothing when moving from one level to the next...If some dude has 89 billion TD's, but is only 5'4" and 135 pounds, you think his stats mean something? STFU already....Where's the good Texas posters?...They have left this thread for some reason...
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