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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

UT, you are absolutely right. Texas deserved to be NC last year. But let's be honest. VY was the difference in both games and he won't be around this year. As I've said before, this years game will come down (just like last year) to who the better QB is. This game goes to the good guys.

Go Bucks!
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You think THAT's brilliant? When God was handing out mascots, he said, "Who wants the one that looks like a woman's reproductive system?" And the Texas fans volunteered, because they knew that was the closest they'd get to sex with a human female.

I've often wondered about fans of opposing schools who can't tell the differnce between a steers head and a women's reproductive system. Do they end up with their dick chewed to a pulp when they stick it in a steers mouth?
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I've often wondered about fans of opposing schools who can't tell the differnce between a steers head and a women's reproductive system. Do they end up with their dick chewed to a pulp when they stick it in a steers mouth?

Please allow me to explain, I don't know what it is like down there in the "way south" but up here in yankee country....

Most chicks are smooth...

therefore removing the need to check the "hair content" vs the mustache to figure out the difference.
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I've often wondered about fans of opposing schools who can't tell the differnce between a steers head and a women's reproductive system. Do they end up with their dick chewed to a pulp when they stick it in a steers mouth?
Or between a logo and a real thing.
Statistically speaking though - Is your nightmare scenario what commonly happens to similarly affected UT students? I mean like <90% of the time?
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Didn't the early eighties Brutus have the same problem?
Actually I thought he had a much bigger nose, so the breathing difficulties were completely over with. :wink2:

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Just finished watching the Texas vs tOSU game and the Texas vs USC game for the 20th time, and the thing that stands out most is we won in their BACKYARDS. And just when the rush of the two MONUMENTAL wins starts to subside, the thought of Texas having the most returning starters on BOTH sides of the football than any other major Div 1 School, and home field advantage this year, then BAM, the old adrenal glands kick in and Im go to go.
What should have stood out the most is that tOSU should have beaten the living shit out of Texas last year. Shuffling QB's and never getting into the flow of the game absolutely killed us last year. Texas will be lucky to stay within 21 points at halftime.

I have absolutely no desire to debate the similarities of the Texas logo and the female reproductive system....I mean, look at them....they're identical. [fliph]:osu4:[/fliph]
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What should have stood out the most is that tOSU should have beaten the living shit out of Texas last year. Shuffling QB's and never getting into the flow of the game absolutely killed us last year. Texas will be lucky to stay within 21 points at halftime.

I have absolutely no desire to debate the similarities of the Texas logo and the female reproductive system....I mean, look at them....they're identical. [fliph]:osu4:[/fliph]

I see someone else leaves the liquor cabinet unlocked, thats about the dumbest wild ass claim on this entire thread, I bet not too many buckeyes would be willing to back your drunken tirade statement with cold cash. P.S. What's your favorite brand of Scotch?
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