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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

I dont know Mili, 21 point tOSU lead at the half, thats pretty bold, but what the hell, I kinda dig that brash confidence, Im pretty sure my own prediction of a tOSU win, the closer it gets to gameday will change drastically. I have keep a low profile for a couple of months if I hope to be around for the final few days before kickoff when the serious smack talk begins.
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I dont know Mili, 21 point tOSU lead at the half, thats pretty bold, but what the hell, I kinda dig that brash confidence, Im pretty sure my own prediction of a tOSU win, the closer it gets to gameday will change drastically. I have keep a low profile for a couple of months if I hope to be around for the final few days before kickoff when the serious smack talk begins.

I can see us getting a pretty big early if--and only if--both your frosh QBs are shaky and get spooked early (remember, it will be only the second game of their careers for both of them) from our defensive pressure, and start making freshman mistakes. If we get 3 turnovers in UT territory again like we did last year, I flat out guarantee you we won't be held to 9 nine points again.

To me, the two keys to this game are:
  1. The UT OL vs OSU DL battle, and
  2. The poise of the UT QB(s) (which will be dictated by key #1).
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My concern is still directed more so at G. Davis. Is he going to get over conservative Saturday afternoon at 4:00 p.m. on his way to the stadium? This may be a game where UT has to take some early chances and hope the defense can bail the young QB's out of some mistakes. The pre-Vince Young G. Davis playcalling will not beat tOSU. But yes your correct, If our OL can't handle what is sure to be war across the lines, then it's over. Both Snead and Colt know they are going to get hit, it's just a matter of will they try to force too many plays that aren't there, if that happens, you could see some 10-12 slant or out patterns get turned around the other way real quick. (shit that worries me).
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I see someone else leaves the liquor cabinet unlocked, thats about the dumbest wild ass claim on this entire thread, I bet not too many buckeyes would be willing to back your drunken tirade statement with cold cash. P.S. What's your favorite brand of Scotch?
You sure about that?
UTMNC said:
Hell our linebacker can run step for step with Ginn.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
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I can see us getting a pretty big early if--and only if--both your frosh QBs are shaky and get spooked early (remember, it will be only the second game of their careers for both of them) from our defensive pressure, and start making freshman mistakes. If we get 3 turnovers in UT territory again like we did last year, I flat out guarantee you we won't be held to 9 nine points again.

To me, the two keys to this game are:
  1. The UT OL vs OSU DL battle, and
  2. The poise of the UT QB(s) (which will be dictated by key #1).

I'd like to add another, what I consider to be, critical key to this game: the UT DL vs tOSU OL. Our ability to put points on the board will come down to our ability to run the ball effectively, and protect the QB. If we can score early, and I'm talking TD's not FG's, Heacock will be able to get more aggressive with his defensive calls. Not only that, it would be huge to control the clock with some nice offensive drives. I'm hoping that Mili's keys will be evident during crunch time.
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I'd like to add another, what I consider to be, critical key to this game: the UT DL vs tOSU OL. Our ability to put points on the board will come down to our ability to run the ball effectively, and protect the QB. If we can score early, and I'm talking TD's not FG's, Heacock will be able to get more aggressive with his defensive calls. Not only that, it would be huge to control the clock with some nice offensive drives. I'm hoping that Mili's keys will be evident during crunch time.

Texas will be the best OL and DL, actually Defensive front seven you will face all year, including whatever second tier bowl game you play in.
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Texas will be the best OL and DL, actually Defensive front seven you will face all year, including whatever second tier bowl game you play in.

No one's doubting the ability of the Texas fronts. If you read what was posted, we said they were KEYS, from an OSU perspective, not guarantees. As for the second tier bowl game comment, we shall see what transpires in 2006.
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I'd like to add another, what I consider to be, critical key to this game: the UT DL vs tOSU OL. Our ability to put points on the board will come down to our ability to run the ball effectively, and protect the QB.

808, I was considering that, too...but I think Troy's scrambling ability, experience, improved passing, and poise can allow him to perform under a far greater amount of defensive pressure than the Texas frosh QBs can even think about. Unless the Texas DL totally dominates (which I highly doubt), Smith will make the plays, and that will help make Pittman and Wells very effective running the ball.
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