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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

You think THAT's brilliant? When God was handing out mascots, he said, "Who wants the one that looks like a woman's reproductive system?" And the Texas fans volunteered, because they knew that was the closest they'd get to sex with a human female.

I take back the enema thing.


More like Mr. Hanky

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This thread is getting slow.

Someone say something ridiculous/ignorant/hateful, and then we can all get in a tissy this afternoon and make the day go by faster.

I'll start. Zurp, your father smells of elderberries. Oh, and Troy Smith sucks.
I said it before, and I will say it ag'in.

[sarcasm](burnt)Orange without (Scarlet)red, is Yella!!!!

Yall aint nothin' without VY, might as well pack it up![/sarcasm]
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Just finished watching the Texas vs tOSU game and the Texas vs USC game for the 20th time, and the thing that stands out most is we won in their BACKYARDS. And just when the rush of the two MONUMENTAL wins starts to subside, the thought of Texas having the most returning starters on BOTH sides of the football than any other major Div 1 School, and home field advantage this year, then BAM, the old adrenal glands kick in and Im go to go.
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...And just when the rush of the two MONUMENTAL wins starts to subside, the thought of Texas having the most returning starters on BOTH sides of the football than any other major Div 1 School, and home field advantage this year, then BAM, the old adrenal glands kick in and Im go to go.

And then the stark reality of having two frosh QBs with absolutely zero snaps experience instead of having the most dynamic QB in a generation, and Ohio State having an offense that is light years ahead of the one you faced in Columbus, kicks you square in the bevo.
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