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Game Thread Game Five: Penn State 17, Ohio State 10 (Final)

WhiteUout1 said:
LOL, You know what's funny is all the OSU fans come on our board and say how they just want to make sensible posts and get ripped on. I come here to show respect for your team and get blasted with insults. We'll see who has the last laugh after Saturday night :)
You got blasted?
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You know I've noticed the same things that Minny fans were saying on their boards about what they would do to Penn State are a lot like what you Buck fans are saying. Now I know that OSU is much better than Minny and OSU will be our best test this year, but my point is they got a little too confident and got a wake up call. PSU will be ready for a rumble I can guarantee that. May the best team win and let the talking happen on the field. WE ARE PENN STATE!!
Minny did not have a defense tested on the field of play with which to back up any claims -- their OOC games were strictly against the sisters of the poor. If you think Buckeye fans around here are saying the same thing Minny fans said before they took a beat-down from Penn State last week, you are very much mistaken. Don't confuse a scout.com board transient with the fans that populate BP on a regular basis.

This next may be a little subtle, but hey, you are a Penn State fan- so I can count on you to follow the bouncing ball, right?

The Buckeyes only (narrow) loss this year was to a team still ranked number 2 in the country. The loss came in part because of dropped opportunities, in part because the QB situation had not solidified as a result of Troy Smith being unavailable due to suspension for the prior game against Miami of Ohio. That lack of QB solidification led itself to fewer points on drives. That QB situation is now pretty firmly resolved with Smith's performance as the Buckeyes waxed Iowa. The unit that played the strongest role in keeping the Buckeyes in that game till the very end was our defense. It is that defense which now leads the nation in stopping the run, it also has a great ranking in stopping the pass. In both categories the Buckeyes D is ahead of the showing that the Penn State unit has achieved. Though Penn State's defensive unit has very creditable numbers, ours is simply better, it has simply proven itself so against a better class of opponent.

I'm sure you are right that Penn State will take the field ready to play, no-one is suggesting otherwise. They will not however win this game, close though it may be. Your freshmen receivers and speedsters will be battle tested -- after this game. They will learn lessons from this game -- hard ones. They will not be the deciding factor to tilt this game in Penn State's favor, regardless of it being played on your home field. Your D remains your best asset, it proved itself capable last year, it will make life difficult for the Ohio State offense, which is why most on this board are talking of a pretty tight game.

LOL, You know what's funny is all the OSU fans come on our board and say how they just want to make sensible posts and get ripped on. I come here to show respect for your team and get blasted with insults. We'll see who has the last laugh after Saturday night :)
Bullshit - utter bullshit, no-one has insulted you. You have a thin skin mate.
You could start a trend and drop the rivals.com or scout.com smack BS, it plays well I hear over there- probably an expected stance. If you feel incapable of engaging in a reasonable conversation about the game, then you are most welcome to go back to the cesspools of those boards.

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Hey I know coming on this board as a PSU fan I am going to get some flack from you guys. Maybe i shouldnt have said insults but sure as heck didnt get a warm welcome for trying to give props to your team. I was pointing out in my first post not to be overconfident that was it. No smack talking there. If you don't want my respect then I won't give it and hope we smack you guys silly.
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JoePa has cancelled all recruit visits for this weekend... hmm....

Per the PSU folks they cancelled a handful of official visits reportedly due to the late hour and the need to get ready for Michigan - leaving limited time to focus on recruits. Sounds good, but I don't think the late start or the Michigan game were added this week.

They still have numerous unofficials coming in and consider it a major recruiting weekend.
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Hey I know coming on this board as a PSU fan I am going to get some flack from you guys. Maybe i shouldnt have said insults but sure as heck didnt get a warm welcome for trying to give props to your team. I was pointing out in my first post not to be overconfident that was it. No smack talking there. If you don't want my respect then I won't give it and hope we smack you guys silly.

Perhaps you missed the part were you blithely put us into the same boat - first with some Buckeye fans that strayed onto a scout.com or rivals board - then coupled that by directly comparing their bravado with the baseless kind offered by the Minny fans prior to their game.

If you would put some salve on that thin skin of yours you may yet find this is a great place to have a conversation.

But if you wish for the discussion to center on you and your feelings, it isn't going to go very far.
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Here's are some offensive stats from Penn State's five games:

Central Florida (W 23-13) (led halftime 17-7)
Rushing: 39-264 (6.8 ypc)
Passing: 9-15-1, 90 yards
Total: 354 total yards (57 plays, 6.2 ypp)

Cincinnati (W 42-24) (led halftime 14-3)
Rushing: 37-148 (4.0 ypc)
Passing: 15-22-1, 245 yards
Total: 393 total yards (60 plays, 6.6 ypp)

Central Michigan (W 23-13) (led halftime 26-3)
Rushing: 31-138 (4.5 ypc)
Passing: 22-36-1, 381 yards
Total: 519 total yards (70 plays, 7.4 ypp)

@Northwestern (W 34-29) (trailed halftime 23-14)
Rushing: 27-209 (7.7 ypc)
Passing: 17-36-3, 271 yards
Total: 480 total yards (64 plays, 7.5 ypp)

Minnesota (W 44-14) (led halftime 20-7)
Rushing: 59-364 (6.2 ypc)
Passing: 13-32-0, 175 yards
Total: 531 total yards (91 plays, 5.9 ypp)

It's clear that their offense has improved steadily from game one. But they haven't faced a top-notch defense yet. They relied on three big pass TDs at NU (JUSTIN KING 37 YD, DEON BUTLER 26 YD, DERRICK WILLIAMS 36 YD). They also ran at will against Minnesota (almost 60 rushes...are you kidding me?). No way our secondary gives up three big passes, let alone for TDs, and if they try 60 rushes against our defense, they may crack 100 yards. They've also shown to be a second-half offense, while our defense has historically been lights-out in the second half.
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Penn State's defense is good enough to keep them in this game. They are at home...I hope the Buckeyes win big, but that's going to be tough to do against a defense like Penn State's at Happy Valley. But like "whitemeout" said..."let the best team win" I agree...i'll be really happy if the best team wins.
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