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Game Thread Game Five: Penn State 17, Ohio State 10 (Final)

Don't see where Tom's Tip Sheet suggests using Ginn at QB.

Also at the-ozone excellent Porentas piece about the Buckeye's being in a different less tight mood this week (kind of like the Buckeyes Oozing Confidence article posted elsewhere - but with a different thrust).

Here is part of it.

Buckeyes Have a Different Look After Bye Week
By John Porentas
Sometimes reporting is less about facts and more about impressions.
The Buckeyes met with the media yesterday, which is what happens on every Tuesday of game weeks during the football season. That in itself is not out of the ordinary, but for some reason, this Tuesday was different than all the other Tuesdays thus far this season.
For the first time this season the Buckeyes, particularly those on the offensive side of the ball, seemed loose and relaxed on Tuesday. The usually-reserved Antonio Pittman joked with reporters and cracked them up on occasion, and the sometimes contrary Troy Smith was relaxed, poised, and downright friendly. Ted Ginn, who is usually not exactly glib, handled questions smoothly and confidently.
So what gives?
This is the part where the facts end the impressions begin. The Buckeyes looked yesterday like a team that is finally comfortable with its personality and its progress. They looked like a team that has erased some lingering doubt and some subtle but underlying uneasiness.

Love this quote from the same about PSU's freshman phenom's intro to a hard hitting Ohio State Defense

Whitner's remarks didn't carry the tone of a boast. They were more aptly described as of a statement of fact. He also sounded like he was very serious when he said this about Penn State's wide receivers and the OSU plan to defend them.
"They're freshmen. We don't know if they've been hit yet. If not, we want to be the first to hit them."
"We're not going to go in there with a whole lot of things called, a whole lot of defenses. We're going to play simple defenses. We're just going to run to the ball and we're going to hit and we're going to play football."
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