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Game Thread Game Five: Penn State 17, Ohio State 10 (Final)

Didn't read this entire thread, but sampled enough to see that the same confidence the players have is shared by the board. Lots of folks are questioning the three point spread. I don't.

Folks want to look at PSU the past few years and say that they were a bad football team - and they were. But not an untalented team. I have followed CFB too long not to have seen how a few key changes can turn an also ran into a contender.

PSU returns 17 starters. Their entire OL and TE are back and five of those six are seniors. The story is much the same on the DL. Williams is the kind of weapon that turned the OSU Offense around last season.

Are they as good as OSU? Not a chance. Not close. But I have been to their house and it comes close to the Shoe in atmosphere. This could be a dogfight and we better show up prepared for one.
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Watching the in studio pre-game before the Miami vs N. Illinois game on ESPN2. They talked about Arizona vs. USC, and then went on to the game that "everybody can't wait to see this weekend." Ohio State at #16 Penn State. That's exactly what the graphic showed at the bottom of the screen. Apparently Ohio State isn't ranked anymore. It's just like PTI the other day, when they said it would be a big game, but not too much for PSU because Ohio State isn't a great team anymore. Dumbasses.
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JonathanXC said:
Watching the in studio pre-game before the Miami vs N. Illinois game on ESPN2. They talked about Arizona vs. USC, and then went on to the game that "everybody can't wait to see this weekend." Ohio State at #16 Penn State. That's exactly what the graphic showed at the bottom of the screen. Apparently Ohio State isn't ranked anymore. It's just like PTI the other day, when they said it would be a big game, but not too much for PSU because Ohio State isn't a great team anymore. Dumbasses.
they said WHAT?!
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“It’s a big game. It’s an important game,” Paterno said. “We’re playing against one of the best teams we’ve ever played against. ... I don’t know if it’s a category five hurricane, category four or category three. It doesn’t really matter, because when it hits you, it hits, and we’re going to get hit.”

“They appear to be a little bigger and stronger than us physically across the board,” said Paterno, 78, in his 40th season as head coach. “This is one of the best teams that you’ll ever see — not just this year, but in all the years I’ve been coaching.”

Canton Repository
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You know I've noticed the same things that Minny fans were saying on their boards about what they would do to Penn State are a lot like what you Buck fans are saying. Now I know that OSU is much better than Minny and OSU will be our best test this year, but my point is they got a little too confident and got a wake up call. PSU will be ready for a rumble I can guarantee that. May the best team win and let the talking happen on the field. WE ARE PENN STATE!!
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Minny plays cupcakes, gets cocky, and then gets knocked back to earth. Sounds somewhat similar to the PSU world this year. Minny is unbelievably 1 dimensional, and has no defense (the DE seemed to go out of his way to move inside on every end around so he couldn't tackle your guy).

We manhandled Texas' offense, which is lightyears ahead of yours. Robinson on his best day could not match Vince. We will expose your offense on saturday.

Your defense is tough. They could cause trouble if we put the ball on the ground again.

Your special teams are not good. You better learn how to cover this week, b/c we have the best returners in the game, tied with USC perhaps.

Go back to listening to Beano Cook, who thinks you will hold us to 14 points. Cincinnati got 24, Northwestern 29... 30 should be very doable. Are you gonna score 30?
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WhiteUout1 said:
You know I've noticed the same things that Minny fans were saying on their boards about what they would do to Penn State are a lot like what you Buck fans are saying. Now I know that OSU is much better than Minny and OSU will be our best test this year, but my point is they got a little too confident and got a wake up call. PSU will be ready for a rumble I can guarantee that. May the best team win and let the talking happen on the field. WE ARE PENN STATE!!
Let me guess.....Ohio State is nothing because they lost to their only competition so far. Your offense can score from anywhere on the field.
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buckeyenation27, Look I know OSU is a great team and I said nothing to the effect that we were going to win let alone dominate the game, I was stating that PSU is not just going to lay down and have OSU run all over them like many of you are saying. As a PSU fan this is the game we need to win to show that we are back in contention. So i would take that as respect for your BUCKS than a slap in the face like you want it to be.
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So WhiteMeOutNumber, would you be really intimidated if we 'gray'-ed or 'scarlet'-ed you out? You realize it's just a color right? Your stadium is loud, that's no question. I never understood the mystique of wearing a similar shirt. You do realize many stadiums do that on a regular basis anyway?

Nobody thinks PSU is going to lay down and let the bucks have their way with them. Whether they'll be able to stop Hawk and Co from doing it by force, that's another matter.
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jwinslow said:
So WhiteMeOutNumber, would you be really intimidated if we 'gray'-ed or 'scarlet'-ed you out? You realize it's just a color right? Your stadium is loud, that's no question. I never understood the mystique of wearing a similar shirt. You do realize many stadiums do that on a regular basis anyway?

Nobody thinks PSU is going to lay down and let the bucks have their way with them. Whether they'll be able to stop Hawk and Co from doing it by force, that's another matter.
My favorite thing about that is that we will be wearing our white jerseys. :lol: why not just paint a block O on your white shirts?
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LOL, You know what's funny is all the OSU fans come on our board and say how they just want to make sensible posts and get ripped on. I come here to show respect for your team and get blasted with insults. We'll see who has the last laugh after Saturday night :)
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