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Game Thread Game Five: Penn State 17, Ohio State 10 (Final)

So I’m sitting here today, and I start thinking to myself…I really hate Penn State. When they were good, their fans were complete jerks, and even when they weren’t that good, they were still ignorant idiots, but had less to throw in other people’s faces, so they kept quiet for the most part. Now, not all Penn State fans are like that I’m sure, but I know some that are. I also hate that lion roar that they play. I’m going to the game Saturday, and I’m not looking forward to it. I remember sitting through games there being miserable with that f***ing lion. Even in 2003 when we won, it still pissed me off when we were losing, but it was nice to get the revenge and win. That was the first time I’d been to a game at PSU in which we won. I also remember getting sick to my stomach from it during the 2001 game in the 4<SUP>th</SUP> quarter. I wanted to go shoot the guy in the PA that kept pressing that damn thing. I hated that game so much, and it made me hate Penn State so much, and since then we’ve beat them every year, and maybe since we’ve always beat them, and they’ve sucked, I’ve forgotten how much I hated them. But now that all those idiots are thinking their team is the best in the country because they beat Minnesota, and this is the biggest game in the Big 10 so far this year, I’ve all of a sudden remember, I hate Penn State. I think the only sound that makes me cringe more is that “hail to the victors” crap that scum seems to play whenever they don’t fall over their own face.
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I’ve been thinking about this game non-stop all week. Thinking of all the different ways it could play out. I know the drive there is going to be long, because I will be antsy in anticipation of the game. But once we get there it’s going to be a great atmosphere. I’m excited to see our band do Script Ohio on their field…and hear 100,000 booing idiots, yet see 100,000 flashbulbs at the same time. You ever notice that? Texas did it in the game earlier this year. Whenever we do Script Ohio, they ‘boooo’, yet they still take pictures. Probably because they know it’s the best tradition in college football and they want to say that they saw it.
Our team is going to come out fired up, and I look for a big game from Santonio Holmes. He plays well on the road. I think he likes the crowd noise on offense and being booed. It pumps the guy up. I don’t think anything is going to phase Troy Smith. I think all the crowd noise is actually going to help him. He’s going to have to concentrate more, and I’m sure they’ve practiced on communication all week. I heard them today. They were simulating the crowd noise, and were definitely overdoing it. I was about 1,000 feet away, yet they had crowd noise that sounded louder than the Shoe blaring from the speakers.
Penn State is going to come out fired up too, but I think if we smack them around enough early, that’s going to make them take a step backwards. I think we are strong, faster, bigger, and more experienced than this team. We need to act like it, hit them in the f***ing mouth, and don’t stop until 60 minutes later. We need to hit them so hard that they go into the locker room at halftime with their tails between their legs not wanting to come back out for the second half. I don’t care what the score is…just beat them up. They are a bunch of freshman softies. Show them how Ohio State football is played. Show them what a real defense feels like. Never let up. That’s what I liked about the Texas game. Both teams did that. We were hitting the crap out of them, and they were doing the same to us. It was just an all out war in the trenches. I just love watching two teams leave it all out on the field. I think that is the type of effort we need this weekend. If we do that, we are going to go back home to Columbus happy people.
I hope that drive home is a happy one. I could care less what else happens in the country tomorrow. Who cares about the Red River Shootout. Screw USC. I don’t care about any other teams in the country tomorrow other than Ohio State and Penn State. This is the biggest game of the year so far folks. You can say what you want about the Texas game. It was big…but winning or losing that wasn’t life or death. If we won that game, we’d still need to win this game to have ANY shot at a national title. We really are in about the same position. But if we lose this one, we can kiss the NT game goodbye, we can also kiss an undisputed Big 10 championship goodbye, and we give Penn State reason to believe they can win the Big 10. There’s a lot more on the line here than there was against Texas. Sure, Texas is a better team that Penn State, but all that game had was national title frontrunner implications. This one has much, much more. If we shine in this game, we gain even more respect in the national spotlight inching are way back up to the top of the rankings, we take over the drivers seat in the Big 10 looking to win our first outright Big 10 championship in the Tressel era, we finally for the first time in OSU history take over this PSU series by going up 11-10, and we ruin all those Penn State hopes of JoePa going out in ‘perfect’ fashion. Don’t try and downplay this one people. It’s huge! You know it. It’s going to be one hell of a game. GO BUCKS! BEAT PENN STATE!

:osu: 16
:psu: 13
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I'm not just going to predict a rediculous score because i'm an Ohio State fan and hate Penn State. 16-13 is my unbiased feeling on the game. I think it's just going to be a defensive war...and we will win that war. I think we will be in control of the whole game, but it's still going to stay close. My heart says 35-3. My head says 16-13. I think Penn State's defense at home will be VERY difficult. So will our defense. We win with special teams and field position. I think in this game, a win is a win. I'd rather win by a lot, but I think it's not important to win by a lot in this game. A win on the road against a top 20 team (and a top 5 team in the computers) will give this team a huge boost. We just need to leave Penn State with a win, and I think Tressel will do just that.
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JoePa cancels official visits for this weekends Ohio State game???

Word over on FightOn.com is that JoePa has cancelled this weekends official visits because he doesn't want any "distractions."

Call me crazy, but I think that he's worried about the ass kicking that's coming their way and doesn't want to have to explain it to the kids and their families.
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I think he's worried about the ass kicking that he's going to take, and doesn't want any distractions to get ready for it.

This is a bad idea on JoePa's part. Even when we beat PSU, they will have had the chance to show their recruits what kind of atmosphere Happy Valley can produce in, what has become, a rivalry game situation.
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Very unusual move on PSU's part. I understand why they made the decision

What possible benefit is there to turning away recruits from such a big game when you are trying to persuade them to attend your school? I'm not understanding.

EDIT: Actually, and I think this might actually be the case, JoePa at his advanced age could be worried about staying up all day talking to families and recruits before the big night game and going into kickoff without a nap.
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Like I said earlier....very unusual.

The scoop is that JoePa likes to spend as much time on Fridays and Saturdays with the team and their families and with the late game on Saturday he felt that he didn't want to take away from the recruits and his current players.

I guess they can't walk and chew gum at the same time....:wink2:
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PSU's linebackers were far more highly recruited than Ohio State's....it's beginning to show....so was their D-line. Michael Robinson was the #1 recruited QB in the nation when he came out of high school....he's getting better with each game. Derrick Williams, D-will, D-wheels whatever you want to call him, is flat out unstoppable...trust me him, Deon Butler and JKing can't wait to torch OSU's secondary. Did Santanio Holmes say he and his buddies were going to bring Penn State's secondary back to reality??? Oh ok, kind of like last year when they shut down the OSU receivers, huh. Well, the Nittany Lions have something new this year--an explosive offense...we'll see about all that Columbus trash talk after Saturday night.

Time to throw your ass out of the Big 10.
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The scoop is that JoePa likes to spend as much time on Fridays and Saturdays with the team and their families and with the late game on Saturday he felt that he didn't want to take away from the recruits and his current players.

PSU has had Michigan on the schedule and this slated as a night game since long before any recruits scheduled their officials.
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