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Game Thread Game Five: #1 Ohio State 38, #13 Iowa 17 (9/30/06)

BrutusMaximus;622355; said:
Well obviously success is good no matter what. I didnt question the offense or the execution tonight. I simply question giving a team a chance to get back in it. Nothing wrong with staying agressive enough to pick up some 1st downs and run the clock.

No doubt...but aggressive is a very abstract term
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osugrad21;622356; said:
No doubt...but aggressive is a very abstract term

Not trying to score with 1 minute to go in the half isn't being aggressive. I'm not too sure the fact it was a road game had anything to do with it. But with our shaky FG kicking this year, it's ok.
It might have been you who mentioned the 2001 Outback Bowl. That's a ridiculous comparison given the respective QBs at the time. Bellisari is about as far away from Troy Smith as you can get.
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Outstanding game. I love the fact that no one (national media/fans) realized how much they were overrating Iowa. Makes a great game by our boys look even better.

Troy's Heisman is his to lose.
Pittman is playing out of his mind, and he has a heck of a backup with Bulldozer Wells.
Ginn was consistent (other than the fumble), and actually got up field quickly.
Hall made two tremendous catches, and Robo had a great td snag.
Buckeyeskickbuttocks;622359; said:
Hope Anderson Russell is OK
same here... he's a big loss if he's gone for a while. JamO stepped up his game, but he still has a ways to go to make up for Russell's absence.
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tibor75;622360; said:
Not trying to score with 1 minute to go in the half isn't being aggressive. I'm not too sure the fact it was a road game had anything to do with it. But with our shaky FG kicking this year, it's ok.
It might have been you who mentioned the 2001 Outback Bowl. That's a ridiculous comparison given the respective QBs at the time. Bellisari is about as far away from Troy Smith as you can get.

Just wanted to quote an actual football discussion post from Tibs...
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