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Game Thread Game Five: #1 Ohio State 38, #13 Iowa 17 (9/30/06)

Player, and play, of the game:

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ZachDumas;622303; said:
I don't see how that affects my post, but rather confirms it. Another turnover by the D late in the game to lock up the W.

Isn't that how it read?
Good freaking grief. It was that close? I completely missed the opportunity to panic.

Perhaps we need a separate doom'n'gloom thread for game days. Might be interesting to compare the two afterward. Certainly more enjoyable during the game.
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Cicero;622319; said:
You make some very good arguements and were certainly proven downright prophetic tonight, but this is a big enough board for different ideas and viewpoints.

Wonderful. Glad you feel that way.

However, we pride ourselves on being a homer board...

Have a different view...cool...bash the staff or players...well, get the hell out.


Big enough board...correct. Room for guys who can't hold the line...wrong.
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You make some very good arguements and were certainly proven downright prophetic tonight, but this is a big enough board for different ideas and viewpoints.

He didnt attack anybody. Now I do sort of agree with you, but as I have been told several times, "this board is for ohio state homers, and homers only are allowed" :biggrin:

I have learned to accept that, even though I do have a difference of opinion at times. What do we do next week to a bad Bowling Green team. Run the clock in the 1st quarter to keep from blowing them out? :)
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