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Game Thread Game Five: #1 Ohio State 38, #13 Iowa 17 (9/30/06)

BrutusMaximus;622324; said:
He didnt attack anybody. Now I do sort of agree with you, but as I have been told several times, "this board is for ohio state homers, and homers only are allowed" :biggrin:

I have learned to accept that, even though I do have a difference of opinion at times. What do we do next week to a bad Bowling Green team. Run the clock in the 1st quarter to keep from blowing them out? :)

You jumbled my words...but in a nutshell, you are correct.

There are millions of places to bash JT and the team...this is not one of them.
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BrutusMaximus;622324; said:
He didnt attack anybody. Now I do sort of agree with you, but as I have been told several times, "this board is for ohio state homers, and homers only are allowed" :biggrin:

I have learned to accept that, even though I do have a difference of opinion at times. What do we do next week to a bad Bowling Green team. Run the clock in the 1st quarter to keep from blowing them out? :)

Thanks. I actually agree with a lot of what he says too. I am quite the homer and far from a basher.
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They looked fantastic tonight, big time win at Iowa at night. You wont hear me complain a bit about winning this one. Glad to see the O get back in full swing today after a couple down weeks. Troy looked real good, Pitt and Wells are just ridiculous. Line looked great, on both sides, even though Iowa held all night long. I still think the secondary is better this year than last. Glad to see Freeman get involved tonight as well.
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BrutusMaximus;622332; said:
They looked fantastic tonight, big time win at Iowa at night. You wont hear me complain a bit about winning this one. Glad to see the O get back in full swing today after a couple down weeks. Troy looked real good, Pitt and Wells are just ridiculous. Line looked great, on both sides, even though Iowa held all night long. I still think the secondary is better this year than last. Glad to see Freeman get involved tonight as well.

Did Iowa have a penalty called on them? The officiating was bad but it speaks to the maturity of the team that they do not allow to affect them.
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BrutusMaximus;622332; said:
They looked fantastic tonight, big time win at Iowa at night. You wont hear me complain a bit about winning this one. Glad to see the O get back in full swing today after a couple down weeks. Troy looked real good, Pitt and Wells are just ridiculous. Line looked great, on both sides, even though Iowa held all night long. I still think the secondary is better this year than last. Glad to see Freeman get involved tonight as well.

...leaving now to buy a lottery ticket.

No offense BMax, but I love when execution = sucess.
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Cicero;622334; said:
Did Iowa have a penalty called on them? The officiating was bad but it speaks to the maturity of the team that they do not allow to affect them.

The only call that bothered me was the PI on Washington - a total phantom call.

Holding is an art, and it's part of the game. And, if CFB is serious about protecting QB's, the powers that be will instruct the refs to be liberal about allowing holding
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tibor75;622345; said:
Neither team if I remember was flagged for offensive holding. If Iowa was holding, maybe it was because they were the first ones to notice they weren't calling it. And maybe our guys should have done the same.

There were non calls on both teams, but there were a few blatant non calls that pissed me off.
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tibor75;622345; said:
Neither team if I remember was flagged for offensive holding. If Iowa was holding, maybe it was because they were the first ones to notice they weren't calling it. And maybe our guys should have done the same.

I didn't notice the OSU OL holding, but the WR's were defintely grabbing a little jersey here and there.
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Cicero;622343; said:
Good luck, but no sticking around to watch the gameday chuckleheads eat their words?

Nah, watching all of the guys backpedal on this site is satisfying enough...

Where are my Bollman guys??

JT guys?

Heacock is too old guys?

Fickell is too young?


WHAT!?!?! ...........( CROW SERVED HERE)
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tibor75;622345; said:
Neither team if I remember was flagged for offensive holding. If Iowa was holding, maybe it was because they were the first ones to notice they weren't calling it. And maybe our guys should have done the same.

What the hell is wrong with you?

You have fallen under some Voodoo Spell??
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