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Game Thread Game Eleven: Ohio state 25, Michigan 21 (final)

I'll get about 8 Natty's in me then head over but I'm not sure I'm going to get in. You'd be miserable after getting out. I'd say just being down there, drunk, singing "We don't give a damn..." with thousands of Buckeye fans is better than freezing your testicles off. Go ahead and get in though, we'll need some entertaiment.:)
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Looking out the window here near St. Louis and all the leaves seem to be travelling to the Northeast. So this is indesputable proof to what we have suspected all along. M*ch*g*n does indeed suck. Mother nature couldn't be wrong. :biggrin:
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They are claiming national coverage, why not try calling ESPiN offices and ask them about it. During games, there were some GamePlan problems and they sorted those out pretty quickly most of the time. It's not on GamePlan, so I will miss it too but maybe you still have hope LV?
well, i'll see it one way or another... there is a casino with a nice Race and Sports Book like 5 minutes away... it's just that 1) i won't be able to record The Game, but more importantly, 2) i was really trying to make a concerted effort to stay out of the casinos... money just disappears in there...
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They are claiming national coverage, why not try calling ESPiN offices and ask them about it. During games, there were some GamePlan problems and they sorted those out pretty quickly most of the time. It's not on GamePlan, so I will miss it too but maybe you still have hope LV?

Just heard on the JT show on 1460thefan.com that ESPN is carrying the game internationally. Hopefully that means your in luck. Yes?
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well, i'll see it one way or another... there is a casino with a nice Race and Sports Book like 5 minutes away... it's just that 1) i won't be able to record The Game, but more importantly, 2) i was really trying to make a concerted effort to stay out of the casinos... money just disappears in there...
what about a sports bar that doesn't have gambling? Or do those not exist out there? :tongue2:

as for recording, do you have a dvd burner? I'm sure the game recording will be up within a day or so.
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