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Game Thread Game Eleven: Ohio state 25, Michigan 21 (final)

I am debating on whether to jump in or not this year..
I have the last 4, but its going to be cold.
The water temp doesn't bother me as much as I dont want to get sick 2 days before gameday, I need to be at the highest level of mental preparedness...
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Why do University of Michigan fans keep their diplomas on their dashboards?

<B><BIG><BIG><BIG><BIG><BIG><BIG><BIG><BIG><BIG><BIG><BIG><BIG>: </BIG></BIG></BIG></BIG></BIG></BIG></BIG></BIG></BIG></BIG></BIG></BIG>So they can park in handicap spaces. </B>

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Okay...I gotta give in and finally say what I think is going to happen. The game is in Ann Arbor...that's going to keep Michigan in this game. The place will be loud no matter what the weather. I think this game is going to be one of the lower scoring games in the series. I think points will be scarce. But I think if Ohio State can protect the ball, or force turnovers, they win. This game will be close. But Ohio State will be on top when all is said and done.

Ohio State 13
Michigan 3

2 Days until
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It actually gets more deep towards Neil Ave. Not sure how deep it is, but im pretty sure its deeper then 4 feet. It is around 4 feet on the east side of the lake.

Does anyone have that link to the live Mirror Lake cam? I looked it up, but it wasnt working for me. Just thought the people who couldn't make it down there could get a chance to see what goes on.
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You have to jump in if you are there. I went to tOSU for three years and it is a tradition that is not worth missing. Especially since the first year that I did it not only did we beat scUM, but we won the Nat'l Championship.
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smitty03 said:
It's going to be cold as fuck jumping in tonight. Hopefully i'll be too drunk to notice how cold it is. You gotta love this tradition! This is exactly why I came to tOSU, to be parts of traditions like these. GO BUCKS!
be careful...i heard that some michigan frat bought a bunch of leaches to throw in there...not sure how true it is or whether they can sustain the drive down and cold weather but just be careful
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Wilmington, DE - 1:55 pm, Thursday, November 17

R&D Scientists at the DuPont Experimental Station have made an extraordinaty discovery. While searching for an explanation of how insulated mugs know when to keep hot drinks hot and cold drinks cold, they instead found indisputable evidence that michigan still sucks. "I'm sure there are people in the world who would try to deny it," said Dr. I. M. Smart, "but we've got the data right here. You can plainly see that michigan not only sucks, but really sucks hard."
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