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Game Thread Game Eleven: Ohio state 25, Michigan 21 (final)

That's actually a pretty good article :)...I like how he characterizes Ann Arbor

Nancy's has the best chicken noodles around, I love that place :biggrin:...seeing all of the players pictures on the walls is great as well :) Homestyle food way better than what my mom used to make, every Buckeye fan around Columbus should support that place so it doesn't go away
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DBB's Weekly Statistical Breakdown: Extra Edition for The Game

Any time you post stats during This Week, you have to start by defending stats during This Week.

As I've said elsewhere, during the Tressel Era; scUM has had a chance only when they were vastly superior statistically. When OSU is vastly superior on paper...

Wait a minute, that's never happened before! This is the FIRST time in the Tressel Era when OSU takes the field as the statistically superior team by a wide margin.

I was curious as to HOW dominant the Buckeyes are in this match-up. Folks, it goes way beyond offensive and defensive rankings. The Bucks are much more dominant than a glance at that stat page in the paper can tell you. When you really break-it-down, this should be a beat-down.

To really breakdown a team's effectiveness, you have to look at yards per play. To get to the heart of the matter, you need to separate rushing and passing. To make sure that I'm measuring apples-to-apples, this comparison will use conference-games-only numbers.

To that end, what follows is a comparison of the two teams' in-conference rushing and passing offense and defense. The tables shows the raw Yards/Attempt and Yards/Carry as well as the differential YPA - YPC. Recall that differential numbers are a measure of how much more you gain than opponents give up on average, and how much less you give up than opponents gain on average.

______________YPC____Diff. YPC________YPA____Diff. YPA
OHIO STATE___4.79_____+0.29_________10.37_____+3.05_

______________YPC____Diff. YPC________YPA____Diff. YPA_
OHIO STATE___2.60_____-2.00__________5.70_____-1.18__
In case you're wondering:
  1. Yes, all of OSU's numbers shown here are the best in the Big-10 in their respective categories.
  2. No, OSU's differential YPA (pass offense) is not a typo.
If we use the averages and the other teams' differentials, we can provide a prediction for the YPC-YPA expected for Saturday's Game. The predictions provided by the various methods give a surprisingly narrow range of expected outcomes.

Expected Offensive Efficiency
OHIO STATE____4.35-4.44________9.61-9.64__
Um, right. Those numbers are indicative of a beating. A very bad beating.

Yes, yes, I know that in This Game the numbers don't mean anything. I know that in years past, OSU was this dominant and more and still lost.

I know that some among you who have my utmost respect are fearful of another spate of road-turnovers.

But do you really think that a TRESSEL TEAM this dominant will choke as badly as it would need to choke to lose in THIS GAME? Really?

For my part, I really don't think so. Buckeyes 31-13.
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Michigan fans, at least until recently, used to attempt to take pride in saying they didn't care about "The Game." They would make fun of Ohio State fans for taking it too seriously, for our traditions, and for our overall attitude towards "The Game". They would call Michigan St. their "real rival". But what they fail to recognize is this:

1. That's a stuck up Ivy League school attitude.

2. They play football like an Ivy League school.

3. Buckeye fans take Michigan Week and The Game seriously because IT'S FUN.

4. Jim Tressel is 3-1... err 4-1 against the Weasels.

5. Real Michigan Fans sweat over this game, watch Ohio State all year long scouting the team, and care more about this game than any other sporting event in the state. (they're just afraid to admit it, because then they wouldn't get to pretend they didn't care anymore.)
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<Script language='Javascript'>var rndNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000);eval("var CDTDate" + rndNum + " = 'November 19, 2005 1:00:00 PM EST';");document.writeln("<form name='CDTform" + rndNum + "' action='Javascript:void(0);'>");document.writeln('<font size=2 color=darkred>COUNTDOWN TO THE GAME: </font><br>');document.writeln("<input type=text value='' size=40 name='WrittenByJamesMVenglarikII'>");document.writeln("</form>");if (theFunction) theFunction += "var d = new Date();";else var theFunction = "var d = new Date();";theFunction += "var c = new Date('" + eval("CDTDate" + rndNum) + "');";theFunction += "var diff = (c - d)/1000;";theFunction += "var days = Math.floor(diff / 86400);";theFunction += "var rem = diff - (days * 86400);";theFunction += "var hours = Math.floor(rem / 3600);";theFunction += "rem = rem - (hours * 3600);";theFunction += "var minutes = Math.floor(rem / 60);";theFunction += "rem = rem - (minutes * 60);";theFunction += "var seconds = Math.floor(rem);";theFunction += "if ((days < 0) | (hours < 0) | (minutes < 0) | (seconds < 0)) ";theFunction += "var out = 'GAMETIME! ';";theFunction += "else ";theFunction += "var out = ' ' + days + ' days ' + hours + ' hrs. ' + minutes + ' mins. ' + seconds + ' secs.';";theFunction += "document.forms.CDTform" + rndNum + ".elements.WrittenByJamesMVenglarikII.value = out;";setInterval(theFunction, 1000);</Script>
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Great stuff as always.
I posted 41-17 as sort of a joke on the scUM board the other day, but the more I think about it the more I think it may be pretty close to accurate. I have a feeling this game will get ugly for them.

yeah, I posted 1,000,000,000 to 2 on the scUM board. the 2 coming off of a blocked EPA. i dont see that actually happening. but ya never know.:tongue2:
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yeah, I posted 1,000,000,000 to 2 on the scUM board. the 2 coming off of a blocked EPA. i dont see that actually happening. but ya never know.:tongue2:

I'm not sure about the 1 billion points but i think we will kick their butts...

EBruce gave a pep talk to you know every player is going to get fired up to beat up scUM...

My thought is 46 to 17... Including 1 saftey....

Go Buckeyes!!!
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