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G/F Evan "The Villain" Turner (2010 Naismith Winner)

ScriptOhio;1663740; said:
In my opinion the player of the year will be determined on NBA draft day. The real player of the year will shaking David Stern's hand after the 1st pick is made. Everyone else's player of the year is just a worthless popularity poll.


Disclaimer: If the actual first pick is from a foriegn country; then the player of the year is the first pick that played in the NCAA. :biggrin:

Yeah.... I wonder if that's how they should pick the Heisman winners too. Let's just give George's to Keyshawn Johnson and Smith's to Mario Williams...

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Michigan's Stu Douglass on guarding Evan Turner: 'It's ridiculous' | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Michigan's Stu Douglass on guarding Evan Turner: 'It's ridiculous'
Angelique S. Chengelis / The Detroit News


"Some kid in the stands yelled after he hit his first shot, he was like, 'That's not even fair,'" Douglass said, laughing. "He does that cross-over without even dribbling. How tall is he? Six-seven? I mean, it's ridiculous, if he's around the basket it doesn't matter who's guarding him, he's going to hit it."


"(You) just kind of laugh it off a little bit and keep going," Douglass said. "He's a great player, and he keeps getting better. You see all these big-time players, and he's the least flashiest, most-productive player. That's the best I can put it. He just does his job.

"He's got a little bit of flash, (and) he's got a lot better ball-handling I think over the past two years. He knows what he needs to do and he just kind of does it more than any other player I've played against. He's very heady. He's very smart, he knows what he's doing. He knows his spots offensively and defensively. He just wants to win, and that's all he really cares about."

Cont'd ...
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Bob Hunter commentary: Who knows if Turner will go, but imagine if he stays ...
Sunday, February 28, 2010
By Bob Hunter

After Evan Turner said there's still a chance he won't leave for the NBA after this season, it was hard to watch him bury Michigan yesterday and not wonder what life will be like around Value City Arena if he stays.

Granted, it might be a waste of time and energy. Even guys who have been thinking "one and done" since the second grade usually don't admit it publicly until the season is over. So when the Ohio State junior addressed the subject on a conference call last week, perhaps he simply said what he thinks he's supposed to say.

"It's all based on how we're going to do this year - these next two (regular-season) games and then March," Turner said. "If I don't get all I want to get out of college then I'm going to be back for another year."

Bob Hunter commentary: Who knows if Turner will go, but imagine if he stays ... | BuckeyeXtra
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You can't help but respect Turner and be in awe of his talents. My favorite player ever here... He really only truly cares about winning and does everything to make it happen.

If he comes back next year....My God...

And one of the greatest things is Evan's relationship with his teammates and Coach Matta. This team has somethnig that it hasn't had in a long time. They are a great TEAM.
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Turner's season so big it even overshadows great Wall
Feb. 28, 2010
By Gregg Doyel
CBSSports.com National Columnist

John Wall of Kentucky is the best freshman point guard I've ever seen. He's the best freshman point guard you've ever seen, too, unless you're old enough to have seen Magic Johnson average 17 points, 7.4 assists and 7.9 rebounds at Michigan State in 1978. Either way, Wall is the best freshman point guard of the last 30 years.

That doesn't mean he's the national player of the year.


Evan Turner kept it up Saturday, with 18 points, 11 rebounds and seven assists vs. Michigan. (AP)

John Wall is also the best NBA prospect in college basketball. In the NBA, Wall will be a cross between Derrick Rose and Dwyane Wade. He'll be the No. 1 overall pick in June, and I don't care which team has that pick. It'll be Wall, because he's the best future pro in college basketball's present.

That doesn't mean he's the NCAA player of the year, either.

Bear with me, but John Wall reminds me of my own freshman year of college, when I worked at This Can't Be Yogurt and spent months making waffle cones. To make them, you pour the batter into the griddle and lower the lid. Wait one minute, peel away the excess batter on the outside of the griddle, lift the lid, and there you have it. A perfectly formed waffle cone.

That excess batter on the outside of the griddle? You peel it away and toss it. Delicious stuff -- but in the grand scheme of things, irrelevant.

The same goes for some of the biggest compliments we can say about John Wall. He's the best freshman point guard in decades, and he's the best NBA prospect in a few years -- but since we're discussing the national POY, those compliments are irrelevant. So peel them away and toss them.

Because John Wall isn't having the best season in college basketball. Evan Turner of Ohio State is having the best season in college basketball.

That's what the award comes down to, right? We're not picking the best future pro. We're not noting how impressive or even how difficult it is to be a freshman point guard on the No. 2 team in the country.

We're simply trying to identify the best individual season in college basketball -- and that season, in my opinion, belongs to Turner.

Turner's season so big it even overshadows great Wall - CBSSports.com
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Buckskin86;1666509; said:
Three things in this article that don't surprise me:

1. Another columnist has come around to believing Evan Turner is the Player of the Year, or at least the most important player to his team.

2. Gregg Doyel spent 75% of an article about an Ohio State player instead complimenting somebody else.

3. Gregg Doyel is better qualified to make waffle cones at TCBY than write news columns.
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Dryden;1666564; said:
Three things in this article that don't surprise me:

1. Another columnist has come around to believing Evan Turner is the Player of the Year, or at least the most important player to his team.

2. Gregg Doyel spent 75% of an article about an Ohio State player instead complimenting somebody else.

3. Gregg Doyel is better qualified to make waffle cones at TCBY than write news columns.

I'd argue he'd burn them.
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Dryden;1666564; said:
Three things in this article that don't surprise me:

Yeah, but it's still better than this one. Perhaps watching the season could have been enough for him to select his candidate. He probably voted Sam Bradford for Heisman since he was the favorite in July...

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] Me? I've been on Wall since October, and I'm not changing now. But lots of people have changed, which is the impetus of this column. [/FONT]

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The flawed argument here is that the Wildcats record is something special. They haven't played [censored] for a schedule in my opinion, and Turner has simply been the better player. The problem is it took people awhile to see that. I would seriously argue that OSU is better than Kentucky. Turner has carried OSU on his back to victories AT MSU and AT Purdue and AT Illinois in the last month. Those first two wins are far and away above any wins that Kentucky has this year. Turner shoots frickin 54% from the field with 9.3 boards and 6 assists. Wall is not the better player right now no matter what anyone says. The numbers don't lie, the competition doesn't lie, and the wins don't lie.
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I think ET is having one of those season's that people will talk about for a very long time around the world of OSU. He is, simply, a great player; one of the best to ever play at Ohio State and one of the most unselfish players I have ever seen. He is the college basketball version of Lebron James.
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