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G/F Evan "The Villain" Turner (2010 Naismith Winner)

A player like Turner who has the chance to go #2 overall should never be counseled by his coaches to stay, IMO.

Now, if Evan were to choose to come back for a fourth year for his own reasons, that would be great for Buckeye fans. But if I were his parent, I'd point out that a lottery-pick salary would support tuition payments just fine, down the road.

If Evan elects to stay for his senior year, I'll feel uneasy every game as I watch to see whether he sustains an injury.
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MaxBuck;1667600; said:
A player like Turner who has the chance to go #2 overall should never be counseled by his coaches to stay, IMO.

Now, if Evan were to choose to come back for a fourth year for his own reasons, that would be great for Buckeye fans. But if I were his parent, I'd point out that a lottery-pick salary would support tuition payments just fine, down the road.

If Evan elects to stay for his senior year, I'll feel uneasy every game as I watch to see whether he sustains an injury.

The kid broke his back for tOSU. He's given plenty. Go get your money.
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BUCKYLE;1667602; said:
The kid broke his back for tOSU. He's given plenty. Go get your money.

And came back fighting. I know he won't walk out with his parents for senior day, but I hope he gets some recognition in what likely is his last home game as a buckeye. Given the state of college basketball, he has done way way more for the university than anyone could have hoped.

Lets get a share of the Big Ten title tonight, and setup for a deep run in the NCAA.:oh::io:
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People keep comparing him to players that are in the league now.

I think ET seriously has the potential to be the next Scottie Pippen. He has the size, the range, the defensive skills (which will only get better) and, most similarly, the ball handling skills that Pippen had in the prime of his career.
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BuckeyeMike80;1667645; said:
I think ET seriously has the potential to be the next Scottie Pippen. He has the size, the range, the defensive skills (which will only get better) and, most similarly, the ball handling skills that Pippen had in the prime of his career.

GREAT comparison IMO. I couldn't think of a better player in the past few decades besides maybe a Grant or Penny, though Scottie seemed more aggressive in his play style than those two.
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BuckeyeMike80;1667645; said:
People keep comparing him to players that are in the league now.

I think ET seriously has the potential to be the next Scottie Pippen. He has the size, the range, the defensive skills (which will only get better) and, most similarly, the ball handling skills that Pippen had in the prime of his career.
I think range is ET's area with the biggest need for improvement. His shot is flat at time and it affects his threes. Once he gets that aspect of his game down, he will be a star in the NBA IMHO
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Cornerback6;1667661; said:
GREAT comparison IMO. I couldn't think of a better player in the past few decades besides maybe a Grant or Penny, though Scottie seemed more aggressive in his play style than those two.

Thank you :biggrin:

southcampus;1667662; said:
I think range is ET's area with the biggest need for improvement. His shot is flat at time and it affects his threes. Once he gets that aspect of his game down, he will be a star in the NBA IMHO

It'll come to him with time I think, much like Pippen's shot came to him. Still and all Pippen was only a 32% 3Pt shooter in his career and he only took more than 100 3s in a season one time before Jordan retired the first time when he had too. And his shot wasn't very great either but it didn't need to be as he had Jordan, Paxson, Steve Kerr, Toni Kukoc, etc to take them instead.
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MaxBuck;1667600; said:
A player like Turner who has the chance to go #2 overall should never be counseled by his coaches to stay, IMO.

Now, if Evan were to choose to come back for a fourth year for his own reasons, that would be great for Buckeye fans. But if I were his parent, I'd point out that a lottery-pick salary would support tuition payments just fine, down the road.

If Evan elects to stay for his senior year, I'll feel uneasy every game as I watch to see whether he sustains an injury.

I think ET is bright enough to make his own decision, and not stay just because a coach suggests it.

If I was his dad, I'd tell him to go to the NBA. As a Buckeye, I hope he comes back for his senior season. Whatever he decides will be the right decision. It's his life, and he has to do what he thinks is best for him.
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