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G/F Evan "The Villain" Turner (2010 Naismith Winner)

Padraig;1667967; said:
Who's the chode who voted ET third? :confused:


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crazybuckfan40;547666; said:
Just watched his most recent highlight tape.

Not really sure on a guy to compare him too. I have seen Livingston's name mentioned but not sure on that one.

I really like Turner's game and I think with the combo of guards and wings we are going to have his game is going to fit in nicely. IMO he looks like a 6'7'' guy that just grew out of the pg position, but can still handle the ball with ease and can take it strong to the rack. He is going to need work on his jumper, but he looks to have a lil pull up from 15 and in. He will take it at you strong. He is not a guy that will play above the rim and dunk it, but he uses his body very nicely to shield the defender and can finish.

Another thing from watching his video you could really tell that he has those long arms that can get in passing lanes and block shots.

I really like Turner's game and I see him as a developing young star that will play but struggle some his freshmen year, but once he adds weight he will improve and become a leader by the time he leaves here.

Someone repped me for a post early in this thread, and I went back and read this...I guess we didn't even need Evan to play out his career...
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crazybuckfan40;516884; said:
I just have that gut feeling about this recruitment that it might just turn out in a good way for us.

CBF40 is spot on, as usual :oh:

Bernini;517597; said:
That's not what I've heard. I've heard this is pretty much a Wisconsin v. Illinois battle royale as of right now until possibly some other elite program throws their hat in the ring. Ohio State is bringing in Cook and Lighty in 2006, and that's plenty enough swingmen to deter 2007 swingman Evan Turner from giving Ohio State much of a second thought. I think in the 2007 class you guys are talking about 4's and 5's with Othello Hunter being a JUCO and Greg Oden inevitably a very early entrant to the NBA draft.

Wow...that's gotta hurt....

Bernini;523358; said:
Wisconsin hasn't even been mentioned in the last few posts, and according to some who claim to be insiders, that would be a MAJOR mistake. TheDemonsDen.net - Message Boards


jwinslow;523365; said:
b/c you feel this is an Illinois v Wisconsin battle, not involving OSU. yep, we got it.

:slappy: I see now that Bernini only seeing things through the Bucky Badger stained-glasses isn't a new thing :biggrin:
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SI posts a little point-counterpoint:

Mandel makes the case for Turner in the POY debate:

Ohio State's Evan Turner is nation's most outstanding player - Stewart Mandel - SI.com

How good is Evan Turner? Lately, he's been causing me to tune into games I should really have no interest in watching, like last week's Ohio State-Penn State contest. The Nittany Lions were 2-12 in the Big Ten at the time. The Buckeyes pretty much controlled the entire second half. Yet I couldn't stop watching. I wanted to see what Turner would do next.

At one point early on, he throws an inbounds pass in under his own basket, immediately takes the ball back and flies down the baseline for a slam. During one early-second-half span, he feeds teammate David Lighty for a dunk, then runs back down court and blocks Penn State star Taylor Battle. Moments later, off a missed Penn State shot, Turner races down court and leaves two defenders in the dust for a layup.

And then there are the jump shots -- all sorts of jump shots. On one, he takes a pass on the wing, makes a crazy spin move to ditch Battle and puts up a floater. Penn State eventually cuts a 17-point deficit down to four with 3:30 left, but you know what's coming next. Two straight possessions, two straight Turner pull-up jumpers. Ballgame.

Final tally: 25 points, seven rebounds, seven assists, three steals, two blocks.

Cont'd ...

Staples states the case for John Wall:

Kentucky Wildcats'*John Wall should be named player of the year - Andy Staples - SI.com

I took my time working my way to the court in the back corner of the Riverview Park Activities Center in North Augusta, S.C., in July 2008. I'd spent the first few hours of my first Peach Jam tournament watching some surefire future stars. I'd seen DeMarcus Cousins. I'd seen Xavier Henry. I'd even seen Seantrel Henderson, who would become a top recruit in football.

Still, every coach I spoke to asked the same question. Have you seen John Wall yet?

So I finally made my way to that back-corner court, and there he was. At first glance, without a ball in his hand, the Raleigh, N.C., native didn't look so special. Sure, he was a 6-foot-4 point guard, but unlike Cousins and Henry, he didn't already look like a full-grown man. Then Wall brought the ball up the court.

He dribbled to the top of the key and paused. (Sound familiar, Kentucky fans?) He locked eyes with his defender, who stared back with the same look the wildebeest usually gives the lion. Wall spotted an opening, and he attacked. In what seemed like one fluid motion, Wall was at the rim. I don't remember if he dunked, if he dropped in a layup or if he passed to an open teammate for an easy bucket. It didn't matter. He'd already destroyed the opposing defense. The basket itself was an afterthought.

Cont'd ...
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looks like ET may be on a future cover of SI....

Twitter / evan turner: Sports illustrated cover s ...

Twitter / evan turner: Going to work extra hard s ...

March 5, 2010
Can Evan Turner Go No. 1?

Can the unthinkable happen?

by Jeff Fox

Let’s cut to the chase — can Ohio State’s Evan Turner leapfrog John Wall and become this year’s No. 1 pick? The quick answer would be ‘no’, but in the efforts to make this column longer than 40 words, let’s expand on that. While, at this point, Wall is still almost 100 percent certain to be the first named called by David Stern in June, the unthinkable is starting to happen. People are actually debating whether or not Turner would be the better choice at pick No. 1. While the suggestion of Turner going first overall is mostly being championed by bloggers or fans, and not NBA execs, it is still something worth digging deeper into.

At the very least, Turner seems to have the National Player of the Year awardsEvan Turner locked up this season — posting 20, 9 and 6 a night in a BCS conference will do that for you. And he also seems to have a solid lock on slot number two on all the mock drafts currently floating about on the internet. But why would a NBA team take Turner over Wall with the first overall pick? Here are a few reasons:

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