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G/F Evan "The Villain" Turner (2010 Naismith Winner)

Would have loved to have seen him slow the ball down there with 5-8 minutes remaining in the game to run some clock and get the good look or easy basket rather than running FULL SPEED down the court towards the basket for a charge or an early basket... but other than that, he played well! He made his bunnies, held the ball well, made some rather tough shots when they really counted, and started a few fast breaks.

I'm really excited to see how he develops this offseason. Love to see him ratchet his offense and D up a notch.
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well i hope its a heavy limb because i am crawling out there as well. i love turners game and i too think he will be all big 10 next year. very excited about the future of this program with guys like evan.

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LitlBuck;1132127; said:
Sometimes Evan looks a little loosie goosie:wink2: with the ball go by next year he will be fine and a solid contributor. Great all-around game!

You got a high tech voice reader for that to come out...:tongue2:

I agree tho, if he can watch the extra step he takes sometimes, and control the ball even better he is going to be a stud...He showed off his 3 point shot well against UMass, kinda where he was at before the wrist injury when he was shooting over 40% from behind the arc...

Also lots of work in the weight room will go along way as well...These 5 games in the NIT helped ET tremendously...
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#2 Evan Turner, 6?6, SG/SF, Sophomore, Ohio State


A player who flew under the radar for most of last season, Evan Turner should definitely be getting more attention at Ohio State this year with Kosta Koufos and Jamar Butler now out of the picture. Turner, a versatile and scrappy two-way wing player, showed a lot of nice flashes last season, including his 17-point and 20-point performances in the semifinals and finals of the NIT Tournament, helping lead Ohio State to the title.

Turner brings a lot of positive things to the table on the offensive end, including good ball-handling skills for a wing, possessing a low, controlled dribble with both hands, and a decent array of advanced moves in his arsenal, including a crossover he uses frequently. He doesn?t have a very explosive first step, but he is quick with the ball in his hands, barely slowing down from his normal speed. This is a great asset to have, but sometimes it?s to his disadvantage, when his body gets ahead of his mind, leading to turnovers. While Turner is skilled with the ball, he has some major issues with turnovers at this point, having the 7th worst turnover-per-possession ratio in our entire database, turning the ball over on 30% of all possessions. One of the biggest things he needs to work on to improve this is doing a better job of protecting the ball in the lane, and always being aware of defenders around him (especially those coming from behind). He also is prone to a lot of rookie mistakes, like leaving his feet before making a pass, moving his feet before putting the ball on the ground, or just trying to force a pass or drive into too small a space. At times he actually shows very good decision-making skills and court vision, and it seems most of the issue here is just playing the game faster than he?s ready for.

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Love for Turner

ESPN analyst Jay Bilas blogs about 10 players he considers ?underrated or underappreciated? headed into the season. Ohio State sophomore Evan Turner is one of them. To find out who the others are, you?ll need an Insider pass on ESPN.com. But here's what Bilas had to say about Turner:

?The 6-6 sophomore really came on at the end of last season. He is a versatile swingman who can handle it and he has really good hands. As he learns the game, his error rate will improve and he will become more reliable with the ball. Turner will be an outstanding player for the Buckeyes this season and should have a great season.?
Posted by Bob Baptist on October 23, 2008 10:11 AM
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