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G/F Evan "The Villain" Turner (2010 Naismith Winner)

If Turner blows up this year like I think he can/will, this team will do well for themselves. Lighty will be the leader, as the only remaining 06'er. Turner will be his right hand man, and improve the most IMO. The expected contributions from B.J. and Buford will be crucial, but if Turner can.. ahem.. 'Turn' the corner, things will be just fine in the Schott.
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schwab;1316406; said:
If Turner blows up this year like I think he can/will, this team will do well for themselves. Lighty will be the leader, as the only remaining 06'er. Turner will be his right hand man, and improve the most IMO. The expected contributions from B.J. and Buford will be crucial, but if Turner can.. ahem.. 'Turn' the corner, things will be just fine in the Schott.

and not "turn" the ball over.
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Men's basketball: Playing keep-away
Ohio State's Turner tackles the need to cut down on his turnovers
Monday, November 17, 2008 3:00 AM
By Bob Baptist

Evan Turner picked up last week where he left off last season in the National Invitation Tournament, filling almost every column in the box score in the Ohio State men's basketball team's exhibition victory over Walsh. Except one.
In a whippet-fast game against Massachusetts in Madison Square Garden in April, Turner gave more ammunition to message-board critics who referred to him as "Evan Turnover" during his freshman year. He mixed eight miscues in with the 20 points, six rebounds, four assists and three steals he had in a 92-85 win.
In the 90-63 victory over Walsh on Thursday, Turner filled his line again with 17 points, nine rebounds, four assists, four steals and two blocked shots -- all while turning the ball over only once, on a palming violation.
"This summer, when we played open gyms, the coaches told me to have a big emphasis on taking care of the ball," Turner said. "So that's what I've been trying to do, cut down on my turnovers."
Every possession counts starting Thursday night, when Ohio State opens its season against Delaware State in St. John Arena, and Turner and junior David Lighty, the only starters returning from last season, will play leading roles.
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Evan made it into ESPN's starting line-up of the week.

4. Evan Turner, So., G, Ohio State: Get used to this name. He's emerging as the next big-time scoring guard for the Buckeyes. Turner scored 19 points and made 6 of 8 free throws in the road win at Miami. He was even better in the win over Notre Dame, playing 40 minutes, scoring 28 points, grabbing 10 boards and making all six free throws.
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Ohio State's Turner Named Player of the Week
[SIZE=-2]Posted Monday, December 8, 2008 ; 11:12 AM[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-2]Updated Monday, December 8, 2008 ; 11:19 AM[/SIZE]

The guard led the Buckeyes to a pair of victories over ranked opponents.

Story by Mike Anthony

COLUMBUS, OH -- Ohio State's Evan Turner has been named the Big Ten Player of the Week after leading Ohio State to a pair of victories against ranked opponents to improve OSU?s record to 5-0 and continue the nation?s longest win streak at 10 games. Turner, a sophomore from Chicago, scored a career-high 28 points in the win Saturday vs. No. 7 Notre Dame at the Hall of Fame Showcase in Indianapolis, earning MVP honors.



Turner is Big Ten player of the week

Ohio State sophomore Evan Turner was named Big Ten player of the week today for the first time.
Turner averaged 23.5 points, eight rebounds and 4.5 assists and shot 57 percent from the field last week in leading the Buckeyes to upset wins over No.21 University of Miami in Coral Gables, Fla., and No.7 Notre Dame in Indianapolis.
He scored all 19 of his points in the second half to rally Ohio State from a 14-point halftime deficit at Miami and had a career-high 28 points Saturday against Notre Dame. He also had 10 rebounds against the Fighting Irish for his second double-double in three games.
Turner ranks third in the Big Ten in scoring (16.6 points per game) and rebounding (7.8) and first in steals (3.0).
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CHU;1349606; said:
Thought it was funny that coach Matta and Evan had a talk following the Miami game about his 360 dunk against the Hurricanes, basically saying style points are great but do not matter.
I don't know if you noticed or not but Turner did give a quick glance to the Ohio State bench right after he finished that dunk.
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Pretty amazing that Turner scored 28 points without attempting one field goal from behind the arc...........hard to find a complaint with his performance except of his 6 turnovers which is a little high for my liking.......if he can control those forced turnovers he will be that much more dangerous......

Game 1: 2 turnovers, 3 steals
Game 2: 5 turnovers, 2 steals
Game 3: 4 turnovers, 5 steals
Game 4: 3 turnovers, 3 steals
Game 5. 6 turnovers, 2 steals

20 turnovers/15 steals.............
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Pretty amazing that Turner scored 28 points without attempting one field goal from behind the arc...........hard to find a complaint with his performance except of his 6 turnovers which is a little high for my liking.......if he can control those forced turnovers he will be that much more dangerous......

Game 1: 2 turnovers, 3 steals
Game 2: 5 turnovers, 2 steals
Game 3: 4 turnovers, 5 steals
Game 4: 3 turnovers, 3 steals
Game 5. 6 turnovers, 2 steals

20 turnovers/15 steals.............
interesting, though im not a fan of the steals stat, not for an individual.

evan needs to limit his turnovers. he needs to play at a higher level all of the time, we need to see more competitive composure when he has the ball. id like to see a greater level of consistency before i consider evan dug in.
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