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G/F Evan "The Villain" Turner (2010 Naismith Winner)

I agree that Turner should work on limiting turnovers, but I also think he should be allowed to play his game, and let the ball security issue work itself out. He is showing improved control over last year. I think at this point, his style produces more positive than negative results. He's one of the few players that can create his own shot, and that opens up opportunities for the rest of the team. So far, he's showing that he is the guy on the team that is going to hustle on every play, driving to the hoop, following every shot, getting after rebounds. If that means that he'll lose the handle a few times, I can live with that. I think his desire to improve will correct the problem, without emphasizing playing conservatively.
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PtownBuckeye;1350360; said:
Evan made it into ESPN's starting line-up of the week.

4. Evan Turner, So., G, Ohio State: Get used to this name. He's emerging as the next big-time scoring guard for the Buckeyes. Turner scored 19 points and made 6 of 8 free throws in the road win at Miami. He was even better in the win over Notre Dame, playing 40 minutes, scoring 28 points, grabbing 10 boards and making all six free throws.

Evan also made SI.com's "Starting Five" for the week.

The Week In Hoops | FanNation

4. Evan Turner, SF, Ohio State: He was the dominant force in the Buckeyes' neutral-court upset of Notre Dame on Saturday in Indianapolis, scoring 28 points on 11-of-16 shooting and grabbing 10 rebounds.
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OSUBasketballJunkie;1350496; said:
Game 1: 2 turnovers, 3 steals, 8 points
Game 2: 5 turnovers, 2 steals, 12 points
Game 3: 4 turnovers, 5 steals, 16 points
Game 4: 3 turnovers, 3 steals, 19 points
Game 5. 6 turnovers, 2 steals, 28 points

20 turnovers/15 steals.............

I added points to the stats... he is a high risk/high reward player. At this point in his career you can pretty much tell when he is being more aggressive with the number of turnovers he commits... but he also scores more points with that aggressiveness.

In other words, I agree with generaladm... I can live with the turnovers (but would prefer them reduced) if he is producing on the offensive end.
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OSUBasketballJunkie;1351214; said:
I agree if he is being productive then the turnovers are to be expected but tOSU as a team had just 11 turnovers against ND and Turner had 6 of them......that ratio is to high.

So you would feel better if the team had 18 and Turner had six? :p

Eh, the turnovers happen. Just cutting back on the really bad ones (the steal by Harangody at the end of the 1st half, the steal by Jackson towards the end of the game) would be enough for me.
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So you would feel better if the team had 18 and Turner had six? :p

Obviously not......I guess I am in the minority with the believe that 4 turnovers a game is to high for any player......Just a comparison.......Simmons has 2 turnovers and Crater 3 turnovers in 5 games......so far our point guards have not penetrated at the same rate as Turner but they are handling the ball just as much......if Turner is going to be our focal point on the offensive end, he must lower the turnovers for us to continue to be successful.....so far it has worked.
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ill also toss in their are different kinds of turnovers really, i mean a to with 2 seconds left on teh shot clock isnt the same as a bad pass that leads to a layup with 25 seconds left on the shot clock.

that being said i didnt see the miami or notred dame game and my dvr sucks and still doesnt work even though twc has been out twice and they say it does...
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OSUBasketballJunkie;1351260; said:
Obviously not......I guess I am in the minority with the believe that 4 turnovers a game is to high for any player......Just a comparison.......Simmons has 2 turnovers and Crater 3 turnovers in 5 games......so far our point guards have not penetrated at the same rate as Turner but they are handling the ball just as much......if Turner is going to be our focal point on the offensive end, he must lower the turnovers for us to continue to be successful.....so far it has worked.

I agree...There is no reason not to be happy with the wins and everything, but he does need to limit his turnovers...It just really involves him being more under control...and seeing the defense better when he goes with the spin move...They are really clamping down when he goes to the spin move, and also stepping into take charges...That is really when he turns the ball over the most...

Kinda like Miami in the first half when he drove in out of control and got the 2 charging fouls...Then in the second half, he was stopping and hitting the pull up jumper and looking to pass when they collapsed on him out of the spin move, instead of forcing it...
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OSUBasketballJunkie;1351260; said:
Obviously not......I guess I am in the minority with the believe that 4 turnovers a game is to high for any player......Just a comparison.......Simmons has 2 turnovers and Crater 3 turnovers in 5 games......so far our point guards have not penetrated at the same rate as Turner but they are handling the ball just as much......if Turner is going to be our focal point on the offensive end, he must lower the turnovers for us to continue to be successful.....so far it has worked.
Trust me. You are not in the minority. Just because a guy leads the team in scoring does not mean that he also has to lead the team in turnovers. I have not looked at the stats from last year but he turned the ball over quite a bit last season and they were just ball handling turnovers. Sometimes he tries to create too much and his dribbling gets all out of whack. As mentioned, if he is going to be the focal point of our offense, he must not turn the ball over so frequently.
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OSUBasketballJunkie;1351260; said:
Obviously not......I guess I am in the minority with the believe that 4 turnovers a game is to high for any player......Just a comparison.......Simmons has 2 turnovers and Crater 3 turnovers in 5 games......so far our point guards have not penetrated at the same rate as Turner but they are handling the ball just as much......if Turner is going to be our focal point on the offensive end, he must lower the turnovers for us to continue to be successful.....so far it has worked.
You're not in the minority... I'm sure every Buckeye fan would rather have Turner (or any other Buckeye) average 20ppg and 0 turnovers. My point (which I didn't make clear in my previous post) is that I am happy to see a scorer emerge on this team and if that for now comes with some turnovers I can live with it. Hopefully as the season progresses Evan can keep the offensive aggressiveness and cut down on the turnovers.
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So I'm out on the east coast, but i'm lucky enough to have the B10 network. I'm watching Thad's weekly show and he had a great comment on Evans 360 dunk vs cryami.

"Evan and I had a talk about that. (ha ha) To be honest, I've never seen him do that. When he did it in a game, i was sorta taken aback by it. But we had a discussion about style points and um... he knows it doesn't matter"
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Evan Turner, G/F, Ohio State
A growing number of NBA scouts are keeping a close eye on Turner. After a so-so freshman campaign, he's having a breakout sophomore year at Ohio State. Turner's ability to play (and defend) three positions on the floor is turning a lot of heads. He can score and handle the ball, and he really gets after it defensively. His 28-point, 10-rebound, 5-assist game versus Notre Dame created quite a stir. If he keeps it up, he's got a chance to go somewhere between 15 and 25 in the draft.

ESPN - Draft Watch: Cardinal ready for takeoff - NBA

I dont know whether or not to be happy about this or not, honestly.
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