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G/F Evan "The Villain" Turner (2010 Naismith Winner)

MaxBuck;1086554; said:
In my opinion, Evan Turner has developed into the bellwether for this team. When he plays well (scores, shoots, avoids fouls) this team is terrific. When he struggles (as he did against both Iowa and Michigan), the team struggles.

Hope he can pick up his game this Sunday.:oh:

Well whenever you have a starter you depend on for 8-10 pts and he scores 0 you are of course going to struggle...

We really need 3 guys whoever they are to get into double digits and I think we would be very tough to beat...

I would be curious to see our record with 3 guys in double digits...My guess is besides maybe UT, in which there was a lot of points scored would be the 2 losses for sure...

Only 1 scored in double digits against MSU, 2 against Iowa, Purdue we had 2, aTm we had 2...We had 3 against Butler, UT, and UNC...

I just think that we are a much better game when more than just 1 or 2 guys are scoring, because it just means we are moving the ball getting it to open guys and more than just 1 or 2 guys are hitting their shots...
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crazybuckfan40;1086611; said:
Well whenever you have a starter you depend on for 8-10 pts and he scores 0 you are of course going to struggle...

We really need 3 guys whoever they are to get into double digits and I think we would be very tough to beat...

I would be curious to see our record with 3 guys in double digits...My guess is besides maybe UT, in which there was a lot of points scored would be the 2 losses for sure...

Only 1 scored in double digits against MSU, 2 against Iowa, Purdue we had 2, aTm we had 2...We had 3 against Butler, UT, and UNC...

I just think that we are a much better game when more than just 1 or 2 guys are scoring, because it just means we are moving the ball getting it to open guys and more than just 1 or 2 guys are hitting their shots...

In 16 wins, OSU has had:
2 in doubles - 3 times
3 in doubles - 9 times
4 in doubles - 1 time
5 in doubles - 3 times

average 3.25 players in double figures

In 7 losses, OSU has had:
1 in doubles - 1 time
2 in doubles - 3 times
3 in doubles - 2 times
4 in doubles - 1 time

average 2.42 players in double figures

The actual number for the average is somewhat of a meaningless metric, but the difference between the two average figures sure seems significant to me.
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jimotis4heisman;1086721; said:
id say maybe try a correlation to something like points per poessions...

Yeah that is what I was thinking as well, like we would have guys in double figures against UT and UNC just because of how fast the games were...

But I think the numbers show that as we have more guys score it gets more guys involved, and it seems this team goes as they go on the offensive end, as that effects their all around game...

I understand that it seems obvious that the more points we score the better chance of winning, but I think it is beyond that, because really 3 guys in double figures could mean about 30-40 pts and if no once else is scoring then you are going to see problems...

I do believe that we can get consistent scoring from Butler every night...Then it is guys like Turner, Diebler, Lighty, KK, Hunter that need to pick up the scoring on given nights and I think one of them needs to be Turner, Diebler, or Lighty because they can open up the whole court...
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February 9, 2008

Turner's wrist the reason?

Freshman Evan Turner, the Buckeye most capable of filling up a stat line, had a breakout game at Tennessee three weeks ago with 21 points and 10 rebounds. He didn?t let up the next three games, scoring 14 points against Illinois, getting 17 points, eight rebounds and four assists against Minnesota, and pairing seven rebounds and a career-best seven assists Jan.28 at Penn State.
But he hasn?t been nearly as good since. After missing five of six shots at Penn State, he missed seven of nine and fouled out in the loss at Iowa last weekend. Tuesday against Michigan, he was scoreless for the first time this season and had no assists and four turnovers in only 14 minutes. Coach Thad Matta pulled him in favor of Jon Diebler with 16 1/2 minutes left in the game, after Turner had allowed two three-point baskets in his area, and never put him back in.
Diebler has been playing better of late, especially on defense. He had 14 points, five rebounds and two assists without a turnover in 26 minutes against Michigan. But when asked Friday whether he might be contemplating another change in the starting lineup, Matta said he hadn?t thought about it. Turner replaced Diebler eight games into the season.
?I haven?t really sat down and said, `Do I want to make a change??? Matta said. ?We?ve just got to make sure Evan?s ready to go because, without a doubt, he?s got some things he can do that obviously help us.?
Matta said Turner?s right wrist was injured last week. and he implied it contributed to his performance.
?One of the things that really helps Evan is getting in and doing skill instruction and an intense workout by himself. I think it helps shape him,? Matta said. ?He wasn?t able to do that? because of the injury.
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Turner just seems to play out of control sometimes. I think his athleticism could benefit him more greatly if you would not consistently settle for the three-point shot. It's really hard to tell how good he is playing when you're watching him on TV but it just seems to me that he is a little out of control.
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February 25, 2008

Ball in Turner's hands?

The loss to Wisconsin on Sunday revealed again that when the shot clock dips under 10 seconds and the ball is in Ohio State?s hands, the Buckeyes often struggle to get a good shot.
A point guard with the quickness to beat his man off the dribble and attack the basket is the best way to beat the clock. But driving isn?t Jamar Butler?s forte, so the Buckeyes usually set a screen or two for Butler to free him for a jump shot.
That might be about to change.

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A point guard with the quickness to beat his man off the dribble and attack the basket is the best way to beat the clock. But driving isn?t Jamar Butler?s forte,
I posted this in the game thread but figured it was worth posting here because of the discussion of giving Turner some PG responsibilities. When Special K. sat in during the game on Sunday both he and Packer (for whenever he is worth) talked about the fact that Turner was spending too much time on the perimeter and with his athleticism should be hitting the boards quite a bit more.

Re: Turner taking over some PG responsibilities since he is a little quicker than Butler I am not so sure if I totally agree because I have seen Turner turned the ball over on the dribble this year. Maybe next year but I just don't think he is ready for that type of responsibility especially during a crucial time in the game. I know that it is difficult for Butler to turn the corner but I do not think it is always speed because when the big defender comes off the screen he really doesn't give Butler any room to drive towards the basket. Just my take
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LitlBuck;1101752; said:
...... I know that it is difficult for Butler to turn the corner but I do not think it is always speed because when the big defender comes off the screen he really doesn't give Butler any room to drive towards the basket. Just my take

This is what bugs me about Butler.... a little. He tends to dribble backwards when the big man jumps out at him. Early in the game, you need to dribble off the pick hard and not give ground. There will be a little contact and then you see what the zebras do. If they call a foul on the big man for blocking, keep doing it. If they don't make a call, keep doing it to put some pressure on the big man and zebras. If they call an offensive foul then you will have to give up some ground the next time.

I have watched a lot of basketball this year and it seems that the guard gets the benefit when he forces the issue dribbling off of a pick (not lowering the shoulder, but being aggressive). If you get a foul on the big man, in the future, you will have more room to make your move.

.....oops this is a Turner thread. I like Turner :o)
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Turner really showed well last night...He did a great job running some point, didn't turn the ball over like he has in the past...He created for the team and himself...Besides his outside shot needing to improve, and I think it will, he has the most complete all around game on the team, and I think that next year we are going to see him take his game to all new level...
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crazybuckfan40;1129749; said:
Turner really showed well last night...He did a great job running some point, didn't turn the ball over like he has in the past...He created for the team and himself...Besides his outside shot needing to improve, and I think it will, he has the most complete all around game on the team, and I think that next year we are going to see him take his game to all new level...
Agree. He has come a long ways this season. He still scares me a little when he is on the perimeter dribbling. I don't know what it is but it almost seems like is dribble is high and that he really doesn't have good control of it. However, as you stated, he did not turn the ball over very much at all last night plus he is starting to take it to the basket much more lately than he had at the beginning of the season. He and Lighty will be a nice tandem next year with some improved outside shooting.
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LitlBuck;1129763; said:
Agree. He has come a long ways this season. He still scares me a little when he is on the perimeter dribbling. I don't know what it is but it almost seems like is dribble is high and that he really doesn't have good control of it. However, as you stated, he did not turn the ball over very much at all last night plus he is starting to take it to the basket much more lately than he had at the beginning of the season. He and Lighty will be a nice tandem next year with some improved outside shooting.

I think a lot has to do with how he has turned the ball over in the past, and with his length of 6'6'' he looks a little odd dribbling the ball, but all of this will improve in the offseason...
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