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G/F Evan "The Villain" Turner (2010 Naismith Winner)

TexasBuck;1076864; said:
"A shout out to Jon Diebler. He came in and got our defense going, got a couple of key stops and brought in energy and so did the crowd. We fed off both of them," Turner said.

This quote about the guy he's competing with for playing time says the world about Turner. Evan sounds like a very unselfish guy and a great teammate.

Yup that was what I was getting in my post as well...
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Guys, it's true that Diebler and Turner seem to have very good chemistry; if Diebler is on the floor I really want to see Turner there too, if for no other reason than they seem to be able to feed off one another. Chemistry has been in somewhat short supply on this squad.
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MaxBuck;1076884; said:
Guys, it's true that Diebler and Turner seem to have very good chemistry; if Diebler is on the floor I really want to see Turner there too, if for no other reason than they seem to be able to feed off one another. Chemistry has been in somewhat short supply on this squad.
Totally agree. I can't understand why but the chemistry doesn't seem as great as it has in the past two years under Matta. Do we have too many players vying for playing time at two different positions or what is it? I can't put my finger on it but it doesn't seem like the guys get along (may be poor choice of words) every game like they have in the past.
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LitlBuck;1076891; said:
Totally agree. I can't understand why but the chemistry doesn't seem as great as it has in the past two years under Matta. Do we have too many players vying for playing time at two different positions or what is it? I can't put my finger on it but it doesn't seem like the guys get along (may be poor choice of words) every game like they have in the past.

IMO it has to do with guys just trying to fit into their roles, you have guys that have never played with a 7 footer that likes to play outside, some havent played with a pg that scores the ball as much as Butler, and some have to adapt their game to do some things they haven't done before...

That is why it is best to just believe in your teammates and to never criticize and to continue to believe in your teammates much like Turner has been doing...
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crazybuckfan40;1076901; said:
IMO it has to do with guys just trying to fit into their roles, you have guys that have never played with a 7 footer that likes to play outside, some havent played with a pg that scores the ball as much as Butler, and some have to adapt their game to do some things they haven't done before...

That is why it is best to just believe in your teammates and to never criticize and to continue to believe in your teammates much like Turner has been doing...
The "chemistry" that I am talking about is that it almost seems like they really don't get along very well... almost like a friendship. It was better yesterday but in past games it just seemed strained.
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LitlBuck;1076903; said:
The "chemistry" that I am talking about is that it almost seems like they really don't get along very well... almost like a friendship. It was better yesterday but in past games it just seemed strained.

I will say from knowing Jamar that he is a loner type...Not that there is anything wrong with that, but when that is your leader he is not an A-type personality and doesn't speak up at times when a leader needs to step up...

They all come to practice together and things of such besides butler always comes by himself...

I just think it has taken getting used to each other...Diebler is a small town kid, Turner is a big city kid, KK is of greek heritage, and they have all came from different backgrounds, and has taken a little longer than your average team...
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crazybuckfan40;1076908; said:
I will say from knowing Jamar that he is a loner type...Not that there is anything wrong with that, but when that is your leader he is not an A-type personality and doesn't speak up at times when a leader needs to step up...

They all come to practice together and things of such besides butler always comes by himself...

I just think it has taken getting used to each other...Diebler is a small town kid, Turner is a big city kid, KK is of greek heritage, and they have all came from different backgrounds, and has taken a little longer than your average team...

Thought Butler and Twigs were tight.
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I think part of the chemistry deal is youth and newness. You have KK, Diebler, Turner, Wallace, Lauderdale and Hill who are new this year.

Madsen is newly eligible this year.

Hunter and Lighty are only in their second year at OSU, and both were coming off of the bench last year.

Twigs has been around, but hasn't started.

Only Butler is a multi-year consistent starter.

We were spoiled with Conley and Oden last year because they came in with years of experience playing together already in both HS and AAU.

I think as we have a core of players who stay in the program for 3-4 years that we'll see strong chemistry and see that Freshmen integrate more quickly, but it's going to take a year or two, at least. We'll be losing Hunter, Butler, Twigs and probably KK after this season, so next year we're looking at having Lighty, Turner, and Diebler coming back as the only guys with starts under their belts, but we'll still have Hill, Lauderdale, and Wallace as guys who have seen decent minutes as well. The '08 class has a ton of talent, so I think that Matta will be able to find some pretty good combinations among all of the returners.

Still, we're going to have a very young team for some time.
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Back to Evan Turner, watching his maturation has been wonderful over the past month. He seems like he's slowing down out there a little bit more each game. Fewer turnovers. Better shot selection. Better defense. If he continues to grow in this position he'll be very successful here. If his "chemistry" improves with Diebler and Koufos they will become a force to be reckoned with.
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[FONT=arial,helvetica] Ohio State's Evan Turner (21) goes up for two as Minnesota's Al Nolen (0) looks on during the second half of their college basketball game Saturday, Jan 26, 2008, in Columbus, Ohio. (AP Photo/Terry Gilliam) [/FONT]
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Buckskin86;1072135; said:

Re: Evan Turner spent the first few weeks of the season wondering why he wasn't starting for the Ohio State men's basketball team.

He wondered to some teammates. He wondered in some of his many phone calls to Gene Pingatore, his coach at St. Joseph's High School in Chicago.

"You've got to earn it," Pingatore recalls telling Turner, "and once you get in there, you've got to make sure they keep you in there by doing the right things."


Now that was really great advice. You have to like his HS coach.
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OSU Notebook: Turner playing bigger OSU role
[FONT=Verdana,Times New Roman,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Turner playing bigger OSU role[/FONT]
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
BY Mike Popovich

COLUMBUS Evan Turner is feeling more comfortable and confident every day.

Ohio State's freshman guard is averaging just over 17 points and shooting around 61 percent from the field in his last three games. Turner jump-started Saturday's 76-60 win over Minnesota with back-to-back 3-pointers early and has hit five from outside the arc in his last two games.

"I'm just trying to get rhythm in shooting," Turner said. "I just feel like every shot I take has a great possibility of going in."

Turner's role will become more secure at this rate. He moved into the starting lineup early last month when fellow freshman Jon Diebler went through a shooting slump.

Offense is not the only dimension Turner brings. He has at least one steal in six straight games and is averaging almost seven rebounds in his last three contests.

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In my opinion, Evan Turner has developed into the bellwether for this team. When he plays well (scores, shoots, avoids fouls) this team is terrific. When he struggles (as he did against both Iowa and Michigan), the team struggles.

Hope he can pick up his game this Sunday.:oh:
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