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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

when the blitzes have been dialed up and executed well, it has scared the shit out of Colt.

I think it is fair to say Texas hasnlt seen a D like this all year.

I wasn't sure the Big 12 defenses were that bad, but I'm starting to buy in.

Missouri was put in check, and now Tejas is too.....physical tackling, and solid blitzing is getting it done.

Not sure why Texas isn;t sticking with the quick throws. Not necessarily the bubble screen,. but the 4 and 5 yard sit downs and clears. It seemed to work, but when they try and give Colt time in the pocket and set up longer routes, we're getting there.

And we're getting there with some ferocity.

And I'm enjoying it.
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One offensive adjustment I'd like to see is Todd Boeckman remain on the sidelines. He's a nice kid and all, but let Pryor do his thing. Unless Pryor gets hurt, I don't want anymore of these trick formations.

Of course, I reserve the right to take all this back if Boeckman comes in and throws a TD or two.
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