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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

yep...we just gotta play smart D and get some TDs on Offense...all I gotta say is this bowl game is much more enjoyable than either of the past two years...just keep it up boys! KEEP IT UP!

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OHSportsFan9;1373448; said:
Chekwa is getting picked on.

Pryor is making some plays. Missing others.

D playing GREAT. Understand that we're playing a very good Texas offense.

Offense has to tighten up and get a score or two. Texas will adjust and get it together.

Heacock called a great play on that INT. He blitzed up the middle and McCoy thought it'd be open. Homan dropped back. McCoy had to lob it. Pick by Russell.

Really wish our offense would punch one in. Our D can only do so much...or maybe they can do it all...I'd rather not find out.

I'm good with winning 20-10 with two pick 6's for our D.
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I agree with everyone else about TB. Nice kid, great Buckeye, but it's interrupting the flow. Feeling like Zwick/Smith in '05 (though not as much obviously). Second half, I'd like to see TP make some plays with his feet.
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osugrad21;1373446; said:
He hasnt run anything new tonight. The DL is getting it done which makes any DC look good.

Beanie is straight trucking...Pryor had some early jitters but expect him to make those throws in the 2nd half.

The playaction is sick...Keep Posey in there.

Look for playaction off the zone read option coming soon...

Defense? Not much to say...DL is getting after it, the unit is swarming with bad intentions.

Colt McCoy is legit...he is carrying Texas right now.

Agree with everything here. McCoy is looking good, but not that good. If we knock him down a few times, I bet he'll look like he did as a Freshman. Pryor to Posey, now that I would like to see!:oh:
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Buckeneye;1373449; said:
Robo dropping that ball kinda hurt, that would have been badass.

It seemed like awful close to PI and that the defender was pulling his arms down as the ball was coming in.....would have liked to have seen Hartline pull that one in down near the endzone...I think he could have had it for the first down....TB put it the only place he could...
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Steve19;1373443; said:
Well, Ohio State is going to come out swinging too. Given the -9 yards rushing Texas has achieved, I like our chances.

texas gets the ball first, the d needs a big stop or a turnover. then we can feed it to beanie and get some nice pass plays in there and hopefully get 7 on the board
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