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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

Hello from Austin

Hey Buckeyes. I haven't been on this board since Vince Young and AJ Hawk took it too each other but I wanted to drop in and say good luck in the game. I think the OSU fans have a lot of class and wanted to wish you well. Not too well, of course.

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Here is the email I just sent to my group at work, verbatim:


Monday, Jan 5th I will have to leave the office at 4pm, at which point I will be in an underground bunker until about 9pm, at which point I will be available to complete any necessary work. I have added this appointment to our calendar.

Thank you in advance for your consideration,

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East Texas Horn;1367491; said:
Can somebody photoshop Colt with a beard? He may never need to buy a razor.
Sorry...this is the best beard I can allow. I hope you understand. Nothing personal.


[quote='BusNative;136753;2]Here is the email I just sent to my group at work, verbatim:


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I sincerely hope Iowa and Mich St win their games today. The SEC garbage is already getting deafening.

I'm in a country that doesn't carry any college football (fucking heathens) so I've been having to watch everything on justin tv. I was switching between the LSU game and the Kansas game, so every time I did I had to minimize the screen and I could never help but to look at the chat window. In both all I could see were SEC! SEC! SEC! chants and arguments instigated by SEC people claiming their conference's superiority based on two wins over Boston College and Ga Tech. God that's irritating.
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EngineerHorn;1367924; said:
I sincerely hope Iowa and Mich St win their games today. The SEC garbage is already getting deafening.

I'm in a country that doesn't carry any college football (fucking heathens) so I've been having to watch everything on justin tv. I was switching between the LSU game and the Kansas game, so every time I did I had to minimize the screen and I could never help but to look at the chat window. In both all I could see were SEC! SEC! SEC! chants and arguments instigated by SEC people claiming their conference's superiority based on two wins over Boston College and Ga Tech. God that's irritating.
Seems like every day one of you Texas fans does something that makes me say "Damn, I just like those guys"

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Herbie (from ESPN Game Day) likes Texas but gives tOSU props for staying in the game due to Pryor's ability to run the ball. I understand his need to appear unbiased as an analyst, but come on support your team. The best we can do is hang with them? I think Colt has a bad day and the Bucks defense really steps up. I think the dual QB system presents problems for them. I think the WR corps flew under the radar all year and will be a surprise to the Longhorns. I think Beanie and Boom will have a big day. I think this team has weapons that no one has seen yet.

Of course, I'm not an unbiased ESPN sports analyst either. Go Bucks! :osu:
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utgrad73;1367947; said:
Herbie (from ESPN Game Day) likes Texas but gives tOSU props for staying in the game due to Pryor's ability to run the ball. I understand his need to appear unbiased as an analyst, but come on support your team. The best we can do is hang with them? I think Colt has a bad day and the Bucks defense really steps up. I think the dual QB system presents problems for them. I think the WR corps flew under the radar all year and will be a surprise to the Longhorns. I think Beanie and Boom will have a big day. I think this team has weapons that no one has seen yet.

Of course, I'm not an unbiased ESPN sports analyst either. Go Bucks! :osu:
By bad day do you mean Colt only completes 69% of his passes? :biggrin:
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