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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

Well I thought NW did a better job than Texas against Missouri (especially on Defense). Now I know this doesn't mean anything in our game but if I do take a little out of it. Only way we get blown up this time IMO is if we come out afraid to lose.
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muffler dragon;1366892; said:
I realize this is a relatively poor transitory statement, but I wanted to make it anyway...

Seeing Missouri and Okie State play this bowl season has given me an even greater sense of anticipation for the Fiesta Bowl.

Both teams have given me a bit of confidence that the Big 12 may not be invincible like the UNBEATABLE SEC (and all that speed, of course). But going off topic a bit, Robinson looked BEATEN UP tonight... It seemed like the entire 4th quarter he was holding his back out on the field.

This game can't come soon enough!
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While I haven't seen other practice photos...

It could be that practice pants are old game pants, from when they were silver.

I can't imagine the Buckeyes having to practice in their game gear (since I didn't even do that in high school). But, knowing Nike, it could be some sort of new uni thing.

You know, like the new, greener helmet decals.:paranoid:
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