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Field conditions at Ohio Stadium

It looks like the have laid all or most of the rubber on the field. It also appears that the endzones are the same color now.

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If they started yesterday, my guess would be they don't all the infill spread yet. I don't know when they started though. No way you can tell from the camera distance. When they finish with what they think they need, it will need some time, some more brushing, and some irrigation cycles, or rain, to get the material settled in.
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St. Charles Highschool is also putting in field turf. While visiting the other day, I asked the turf crew how much more needed to be done. They had the turf down but still needed to lay the rubber pellets. One of the crew guys said that there was still over 300,000lbs of rubber that needed to be put down, and there should be 3 lbs of rubber per square ft. Even without all the rubber it still felt like it would be comfortable to play on. Turf fields are great, I loved playing on it when I got the chance in highschool and college.
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lilnape26;847274; said:
Even without all the rubber it still felt like it would be comfortable to play on. Turf fields are great, I loved playing on it when I got the chance in highschool and college.
This is off-topic, but I hated playing (soccer) on it in high school. Completely different game on turf.
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Jaxbuck;847702; said:
I don't like it for the same reason I don't like the jerseys.

Our colors are scarlet and gray, not red and white.

Like the turf better though.
I have been wondering about the white also. who at tOSU is authorizing it and how much does Nike figure into it. Does red and white sell more than Scarlet and Grey? Or am I just paranoid ?
We are going to have to live with these colors on the field for years.
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My being in favor of gray lettering is well documented on this thread... however... if you check Ohio State's away jersey's you'll notice a lot of white on it. So, I think the whole "School Colors" argument loses a little force. FWIW I just think it (Gray on Scarlet) would look better (ie Fiesta Bowl), and that's the only support for the argument I need.

For what I think the other EZ should look like, think about Ohio State's EZ in the 97 Rose (Gray background with Scarlet lettering)

Here's a pic


Although instead of "Ohio State" it would read "Buckeyes"

Anyway.... The white lettering, though not my first choice, fails the "it's not our look" argument... unless OSU unveils Gray road jerseys.
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