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Field conditions at Ohio Stadium

Buckskin86;850765; said:

are they serious. we are arguing over something worthwhile in having gray on the field and the best they can come up with is that it looks like it is bright orange instead of scarlet. hey bud its not our fault you are color blind. their example of comparing a jersey is to the field is stupid as well considering you are comparing a color on 2 entirely different surfaces and materials. if i wanted to i could say the color of scarlet on the jerseys is too red and not actually scarlet.
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Many here are not fond of our new color scheme, and some were curious how it would look with grey bordering, lettering, endzones, etc. Here is a look at some other color schemes, including a gray filled endzone.

1st - current design
2nd - gray surrounding turf (to bring back grey)
3rd - gray surrounding rubber (my favorite)

The other endzone schemes were done with #3's grey rubber, with the exception of the grey colored endzones & original design.

For enlarged views, visit this page... click the thumbnail, then click 'get original uploaded image'

Here are the choices:

1. Original

2. White - Grey

3. Grey

4. Grey - Black

5. Grey - Grey

6. Grey EZ - Scarlet - Black

7. Grey EZ - Scarlet - White

For a better view of the gray turf or rubber ideas (original, gray turf, gray rubber):



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Jeffcat;852367; said:
somebody has been at work:biggrin: greenies to you for the work. i dunno if i could select just one scheme there. its a hard decision to make.

Gray around the field (turf or rubber) would be my main request, anything more is icing on the cake. That surrounding color would be enough to separate us from Wisky's field.

I agree it's hard to choose. I'd probably pick #5, which I believe is the color scheme we've used in the Fiesta Bowl a few times.

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I like #1, and #7 best, so I guess a mix of those two I would probably like (but I know it might look a little tacky). Honestly though, I wouldnt have a problem with any of them. I don't have a problem with what we have now because although the stadium itself is not intetionally grey, remember that if you are sitting in a the stadium watching a game you already see a ton of grey because the stadium is made of concrete. For that reason, I dont mind the amount of scarlet on the field, but like I said, any of those would be fine with me.
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