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Field conditions at Ohio Stadium

Ohio Stadium (the 'Shoe)

There are still changes being made to the field surface, but this time the "track" around the field is being covered and will be a grayish color (so, there, for all those clamoring about how there's not enough gray and we look so much like Wisconsin, here you go).



Me personally... I love what they're doing here. That field is going to look amazing in person!!

You can go here for updated webcam pics: http://www.ps.ohio-state.edu/police/webcams/stadium/
The setup for finding them is kind of weird, but you have to look for the most recent date and time.
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coastalbuck;878390; said:
In the most recent picture this morning it looks white. How gray is it Thump????????? Drive back from Quahog and get us some High Res. pics.....:biggrin:

It's very light gray and blends in with the bleachers too much in my opinion.

Was in the stadium for buckeyefool's wedding pics. His wife knows someone who let us in. We weren't allowed down on the field b/c the paint still hadn't dried. They still weren't done painting while we were there.
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coastalbuck;878396; said:
Somehow I don't think those will make it to BP. Congrats to him though, big day.... Send along my best wishes.:biggrin:

Yeah, I doubt it. :biggrin:

BTW, the kid who let us in said the reason they are painting it gray is because of alumni outrage about no gray being on the field.

Also, the red endzones are SICK!!! :banger:
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Thump;878387; said:
Darker gray would have looked a little better.
Agreed (see below), but this is in keeping with their 'clear gray' theme (see the pants :p). It's still a step in the right direction. If it looks like the 2nd bgriff pic, I'm okay with it.

That looks familiar :wink: I know the grounds crew saw and liked these mockups. They may have come up with this change on their own too, but it's fun to hope.
jwinslow;852364; said:
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coastalbuck;878396; said:
Somehow I don't think those will make it to BP. Congrats to him though, big day.... Send along my best wishes.:biggrin:

The guy who took the pictures was also doing some candid's and just regular stadium pics. If he gives me any of the pics without people in it I will make sure I post them. I know better than to post any pictures of myself of the wife on here :)

What we saw may have only been a first layer. It looked almost like it was just a paint, but who know how it dries or anything else. They let us walk all the way down the ramp to the "track" just not onto the wet "paint"
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