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Field conditions at Ohio Stadium

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;847754; said:
My being in favor of gray lettering is well documented on this thread... however... if you check Ohio State's away jersey's you'll notice a lot of white on it. So, I think the whole "School Colors" argument loses a little force. FWIW I just think it (Gray on Scarlet) would look better (ie Fiesta Bowl), and that's the only support for the argument I need.

For what I think the other EZ should look like, think about Ohio State's EZ in the 97 Rose (Gray background with Scarlet lettering)

Here's a pic


Although instead of "Ohio State" it would read "Buckeyes"

Anyway.... The white lettering, though not my first choice, fails the "it's not our look" argument... unless OSU unveils Gray road jerseys.

Good point. And as an aside, I want to have sex with several tOSU cheerleaders at the new 50 yard line...
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I think it looks cool. Call me new school, but I'm not one who gets all huffy and puffy over a few colors...... As I've stated previously, it's Tressel's era.....and I think his legacy will take on it's own flavor (ie: jersey's, field). When your viewing anything from a traditional telescope it's pretty natural to write off something just because you don't like change. As I stated, I think the field looks good. Can't wait to see how much faster it makes our athletes........:wink2:
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Jaxbuck;847702; said:
I don't like it for the same reason I don't like the jerseys.

Our colors are scarlet and gray, not red and white.

Like the turf better though.
Hear, hear!

Buckeye86;847713; said:
The entire stadium is gray other than the playing surface.
And the color of the stadium has to do with the color of the playing field because...

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;847754; said:
My being in favor of gray lettering is well documented on this thread... however... if you check Ohio State's away jersey's you'll notice a lot of white on it. So, I think the whole "School Colors" argument loses a little force....
Anyway.... The white lettering, though not my first choice, fails the "it's not our look" argument... unless OSU unveils Gray road jerseys.
White road jerseys never have anything to do with school colors (check Michigan, Florida, Southern Cal, etc.) unless white is itself a school color (Michigan State, Penn State, Indiana, etc.). The sole purpose of the white road jerseys is to contrast as much as possible with the color of the home team's jerseys. While our previous road whites where exactly that--predominatly white--they did contain a fairly equal amount of scarlet and gray (scarlet numerals were nearly offset by the gray-dominant stripes).

I don't think anyone is saying there should be an equal mix of scarlet and gray on the field, but there should at least be a good percentage of gray in relationship to the amount of scarlet used...gray lettering in scarlet end zones with the scarlet Block O at midfield would be perfect (or as BKB suggested, have an endzone of each color with opposite-colored lettering).
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i'm sick of hearing the jersey argument. the pants and helmet are gray so in all reality you have more gray than white/scarlet in the uniform. the jerseys have been used previously before in the carter era and nobody complained then. also back in 40s/50s the jerseys were almost completely white so i don't see the big deal. personally i like wha they did with the jerseys.
as for the field i have disappointment in how they didn't use gray for the outline of the letters at least like i originally thought they were. but with that said the stadium is mostly gray. sure its not the playing surface but the stadium includes the playing surface so there ya go. i originally thought gray letters would not stick out distinctly but whoever posted the pics of the letters upside down proved me wrong there. sure i would like some changes and we all expect perfection to our preference but all in all its still a very nice looking field IMO. it could of always been a monumental disaster like the oregon football program.
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OSU has new turf to defend

Top-of-the-line artificial turf installed at Ohio Stadium 'closest you can get to the real thing' without the need for constant maintenance.

By Doug Harris
Staff Writer

Thursday, May 24, 2007

COLUMBUS ? Ohio State has been playing football for the past 17 years on grass surfaces that were difficult to maintain while being used only about eight times a season.
But with a top-of-the-line artificial turf being installed at Ohio Stadium, the Buckeyes are getting a field that will hold up for at least the next eight years.

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osugrad21;849150; said:

OSU has new turf to defend

Top-of-the-line artificial turf installed at Ohio Stadium 'closest you can get to the real thing' without the need for constant maintenance.

By Doug Harris
Staff Writer

Thursday, May 24, 2007

COLUMBUS ? Ohio State has been playing football for the past 17 years on grass surfaces that were difficult to maintain while being used only about eight times a season.
But with a top-of-the-line artificial turf being installed at Ohio Stadium, the Buckeyes are getting a field that will hold up for at least the next eight years.


Interesting quote from this article for those concerned about the hard surface close to the field:

The two-week installation will be completed today. The school will spend another $200,000 to surround the new field with rubber matting in July.
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tones3778;849176; said:
Interesting quote from this article for those concerned about the hard surface close to the field:

Any chance that rubber matting will be gray? :biggrin:

It's a good move, I've seen enough guys slip on that track surface the last few years, especially when its wet. About time the did something with it.
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new turf

great pictures over at the 0-zone.

I love the turf and I know I will get used to the lettering and color scheme, but I think it is a little too generic.

Maybe they are planning other changes with logo and so they didn't want to put anything permanent in the turf... I don't know.

It does kinda look like Oklahoma, doesn't it??

But, it's not about how it looks, it's about how it performs, and that will be great.

Looks fast!
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OSU football
Horseshoe's field to be ready today
Nearly $1 million project done 10 days early
Friday, May 25, 2007 3:31 AM
By Ken Gordon

Jeff Hinckley | DISPATCH
Justin Salz, of FieldTurf Installation Specialists, sweeps rubber pellets off the out-of-bounds area in Ohio Stadium.


Ohio State football gets the best of the best, apparently, including workers installing its new field. Work is expected to be completed today on the artificial surface in Ohio Stadium. That's 10 days ahead of schedule, as the nearly $1 million project had a June 4 deadline to be ready for spring quarter commencement June 10.

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Bucks07;850508; said:
I actually don't mind the jerseys, but I don't really want to look like Wisky...I want to look like Ohio State.
:lol: no no no, i no that.. im tired of people of saying that though.. look at the uni's used during the chris carter era.. you'll notice a shocking resemblence of the uni's.. we don't look like wisky.. we have silver helmets and gray-white pants


fuck nike for ruining our tradition!!!!! and ESPiN too!!
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