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Field conditions at Ohio Stadium

From a poster on the O-Zone


Now if that doesn't make you sick knowing how gray letters would look...
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Jeffcat;844803; said:
i'm not the biggest fan of having one endzone white and one gray. it just looks out of balance i say do both sides a certain color or not at all. until i see the finished product i just can't say.

They're both going to be white. The only reason the "Buckeyes" looks grey is because it's the back side of the letters (they are upside down).

Unfortunately white is it.
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Jeffcat;844803; said:
i'm not the biggest fan of having one endzone white and one gray. it just looks out of balance i say do both sides a certain color or not at all. until i see the finished product i just can't say.

Wow...you couldn't have been serious with that post.
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Jeffcat;844849; said:
uhhh yea i was. i know they are both going to white. all i said was i couldn't see it as one side being white and one being gray as it was laid out.

Well, it sure sounded like you thought one side was indeed going to be gray because of those "gray letters"...that may not have been your intention but that's how it came off.
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Obviously everyone is going to have SOMETHING to say in regards to how it would look better. So I before I get into that I do want to say that even though that is the case I do think the field looks very nice.

If I could change 3 things: Alternating light gree and dark green on the field, grey letters in the endzones, put turf over the red track (I think jwins idea of gray would look nice as well)
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