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Field conditions at Ohio Stadium

jwinslow;843797; said:
Can they unstitch the numbers easily?

As has been suggested before, maybe the powers that be want to see the two tones of red on the final field before choosing.

i would imagine it wouldn't be too hard for them to do but i think coastal was right and that it is just the grain laying down on the one roll. ever since it rained the other day it appears as if the rain might have loosened it up a bit and it is slightly less noticeable than what it was before then. just my guess.
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BuckeyeNation27;843799; said:
you seriously thought they would sew them into the carpet like that?
Third shift sucks. I'm not even sure what day it is. Let alone thinking rationally about a quick glance at a picture of the field, before deciding to post my concerns on a public message board.

Oh, and DIAF. :wink:
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Jeffcat;843184; said:
as a senseless bit of info there is 107-4000 lb pallets of silica sand on the west side of the stadium.:biggrin: also i am no field expert but i was surprised at how fine the rubber is that they are laying down is. on other fields the rubber was more shredded up and chunkier but they had an open pallet laying outside the stadium so i checked it out and the rubber they are laying down is very close to course sand in size. its spongy as hell but i believe it was previously mentioned how it might get into the shoes of the players which i could believe as small and light it is.

The rubber is about the size of pepper, not freshly ground, but like Durkee's in the can or something. It's really small. If you can, check out the dried silica sand. It's so small and fine it's almost like powder.
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Thump;844042; said:
Zurp;844057; said:
At first, I wasn't a big fan of the red "O". I'm still not loving it. But I'm getting used to it.
It's a huge improvement over a white/grey one, imo. Reminded me of the hats with a white block O on them.
ScriptOhio;844063; said:
The plain Block O just looks..........."plain". I'd like to them add a buckeye and leaf to it:

I prefer the simplicity. Also, your design will be upside down for the other side line.
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jimotis4heisman;844077; said:
why not go with the old BIG 101 BIG
I know what you mean. I didn't grow up with it, so I probably don't have the same fondness as you, but I never liked it (from a design standpoint) when watching old games.
Zurp;844075; said:
To hell with the other sideline! They think they're as cool as the west side, with their "I-O" cheers and stuff. "O-H" is where it's at.
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