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Field conditions at Ohio Stadium

Jeffcat;843202; said:

Thats great and all, but who are the Chefs?
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Matzv O'Dely;843140; said:
I hate that damn flag pole!!! ... Sorry, that's just been bugging me for years. Oh well.:pimp:

I hate the flagpole too. I usually have seats behind it. :pissed:

Jeffcat;843150; said:
where would you rather have the pole?

Anywhere else; like on top of the scoreboard, on top of one of towers (above victory bell), or above the press box, etc.
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Zurp;843476; said:
Does it really get in your way?

the only time i would think it would was during the spring game when it was at half staff and even then you would have to be in C deck to be affected by it. i guess to some it might be a pain in the ass to look around but it just has never really bothered me and i can't think anywhere else to put a large flagpole where it can be raised and lowered manually.
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Zurp;843476; said:
Does it really get in your way?

I've been sitting in the closed end of C-deck for the last 20 or so years. The flagpole is an obstruction similiar to the supports that the B deck people have to put up with. I does "get in the way" for some plays. I'd perfer it be moved. However, I doubt that will ever happen, so I just have to tolerate it.
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MililaniBuckeye;843778; said:
They don't even look like they're anchored/sewn down yet...I think the letters are just laid out there in preparation.
After looking closer, I think you're right. I was just picturing a chefs/west virgina type of thing if we had ohi o state in one of our endzones.
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