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Favorite Guitar Riff/Intro/Whatever

Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze

It only took 35 posts to mention quite possibly to most famous guitar intros in rock history. The only other guitar intros that could rate with Purple Haze as the most famous would be the Rollings Stones' "I Can't Get No Satisfaction" and Derrick and the Dominos' "Layla".

The guitar solo in the middle of "Only the Lonely" by the Motels is probably one of best "simple", melodic guitar solos ever.
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It only took 35 posts to mention quite possibly to most famous guitar intros in rock history. The only other guitar intros that could rate with Purple Haze as the most famous would be the Rollings Stones' "I Can't Get No Satisfaction" and Derrick and the Dominos' "Layla".

The guitar solo in the middle of "Only the Lonely" by the Motels is probably one of best "simple", melodic guitar solos ever.

Ever heard of Stairway to Heaven? :p
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I don't disagree it suffered overplay of an incredible degree... but, I'd wager it's still more recognizable than Purple Haze... Actually, due in no small part to the overplay.

I should add, when it comes to Hendrix, I'll take Voodoo Chile over Purple Haze, but I'd say PH is probably his most recognizable song.
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Personally, one of my favorite music momments is the opening riff on Airbag by Radiohead. OK Computer is my favorite cd of all time and I just love the intro of that cd.
Agree with airbag,
would also like to point out the intros to My Iron Lung, Just, Street Spirit, Let Down, and Karma Police, while we are talking about Radiohead.
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