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Favorite Guitar Riff/Intro/Whatever

A couple of face-melters from the realm of prog rock:

Genesis - "Firth of Fifth" (oh yeah Steve Hackett)
Yes - the 'Wurm' section of "Starship Trooper".


How about Hackett's first guitar break on "Dancing With the Moonlit Knight"?
As far as intros - Tony Banks' piano intro on the studio version of "Firth of Fifth" is fantastic! They never played a live version of that song with that intro included, that I ever heard, which is a bummer.
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1. Little Wing- Stevie Ray Vaughn. Still makes me want to cry.
2. Summer Song- Joe Satriani
3. Mr. Crowley- Randy Rhoades
4.Yellow Ledbetter- Pearl Jam. Perfect time, beautiful transitions.
5.All Along the Watchtower- Jimi Hendrix. I doubt anyone will argue that this is one of the greatest of all time.
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