Intro, gotta be Jimi Hendrix's intro to Bob Dylan's All Along the Watchtower... and its not 400 hours long like some of these... I mean, Yeah... Eddie Van Halen is brilliant leading into things like Pretty Woman and all sort of other things, but it doens't have much to do with the song.
Heartbreaker is probably Jimmy Page at his best (From a Metal/Blues Rock Perspective) but there's abviously a lot of theat kind of stuff, plus soem real virtuoso 12 string work.
Gotta give Keith Richards some love for things like Satisfaction. Dude probably doesn't get enough credit because he plays within his band.... if they wanted to feature the guy more they could... but... and some one Mentioned Another Brick in the Wall, Gilmour is a another guy who has jsut great stuff out there but doesn't do ready made guitar stuff... I'd throw Run Like Hell out there, just as an example on that same Album.
Clapton on Layla was great as has been mentioned... and nearly everything else, obviously...
You gusy have mentioned Metallica a lot already, but that made me think of how good Angus Young is on things like You Shook Me... Angus Keeps it simple... but its sometimes real good.
The solo in Freebird sticks out to me, and I'm not a Skynard fan, really at all.
Ummm... Slash... Welcome to the Jungle... I mean, how awesome was that? Don't really like GnR either... but... fantastic intro...
Darrel Abbott... Floods sticks out...
Brian May of Queen.. for whatever reason Bicycle Races popped into my head...
Kurt Cobain on Smells like Teen Spirit... great intro at least... great song.
You really got me by the Kinks... (Session recording by Jimmy page

Vernon Reid on Cult of Personality... if you ever get the Chance to see this guy play live... check him out.
Boy, I feel like I should be getting in Carlos Santana, Eric Johnson, Joe Satriaini, the Allman Brothers, Neil Young, Yngwie Malmsteen, Joe Satriani, BB King, Stevie Ray Vaughn (I think you've already Mentioned), same with Mark Knopfler, the dude from Rage Angainst the Machine, Hell Prince can play some guitar.

But.. it would take all morning..