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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

We'll store this idea in the file with "alabama's depth chart post player's death" and "what if michael vick were white".

the sad thing is, somewhere in bristol there's some assclown patting himself on the back for this because it generated "hits".
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Muck;2029953; said:
Comments from Adam Ritter's recent How does PSU scandal affect recruiting? blog post...

USA Today's Jim Halley got in on that action too:


Spence tweeted Monday afternoon that: "Um, psu might be a no no for me ewwww," followed by "I kind of just dnt want to be part of that"
Rivals.com national recruiting analyst Mike Farrell believes the scandal will likely be the end of Joe Paterno's reign, but a new big-name coach with a wholly new staff could still recruit at Penn State.

from comments said:
6:10 PM on November 7, 2011
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It would be an overreaction by any prospective recruit to not choose PSU because of all this. It's not like Sandusky is still coaching there or that he ever abused the players on the actual team at any point in time. By next year all the rot will have been removed and PSU football will carry on, with or without Paterno - but that's not to say that it won't still be a test of character.
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Bucky32;2030255; said:
Annddd the mothership just brought up how this will affect recruiting for PSU on Sportscenter.

Holy fuck.
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OH10;2031594; said:
Subconsiously, Rinaldi was wishing this scandal happened in Columbus.

Or ESPN talent is just stupid or continuously Freudian slip by saying "Ohio State" instead of "Penn State".

My wife was a the gym and said she heard their on-air talent mix up the two numerous times this week (so Rinaldi isn't the first).
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