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DL Willie Mobley (transfer to Orange Coast, Arizona and NMSU)

That's awesome news from the scout.com column with Pryor. Sounds like he said he was going to commit before he even left town. Maybe he did to the coaches already, and will make it public here in the next few days. Huge pickup for the Bucks. They are going everywhere in the country to get these kids this year. Even dipping down into SEC country. I guess all the fast kids want to come play for a slow team. HA ha ha. GO BUCKS. Keep it up Tress!!!!!!

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Doesn't sound like his coach knows what Mobley is really thinking. In that article on scout.com last night he said he still liked Minny a lot, and a few other schools. Straight from Mobley's mouth: "I'm still considering Ball St., Wisc, Iowa, and OSU". No mention of the hometown team at all. Throughout his recruitment, I was always worried he wouldn't leave the state so I doubted our chances of landing him. I've seen stranger things happen but I love all the reports I'm hearing. Ball St (football tradition? - don't think so), Wiscy (he just witnessed that beat down first hand), Iowa (what have they done lately?). That leaves the BUCKS. It doesn't sound like he even has any plans to visit anywhere else. I like the comment he made in his report before coming home from his visit. "It may come in a day or in a month, to be honest. I think it could be pretty soon."

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osugrad21;984728; said:
BN $

Willie says he will visit Minnesota one more time before announcing his choice. He is likely to visit this week.
Minny's last gasp. That program is in serious trouble. And with the state not producing much top-level talent, they can't let a hometown guy get away. But with Lil Animal and Floyd leaving the state, and now Mobley seriously considering it, they have to pull out all stops.
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