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DL Willie Mobley (transfer to Orange Coast, Arizona and NMSU)

Prep football: Eden Prairie's Mobley wanted everywhere
Recruiters all want Willie Mobley, and he likes them, too. All of them. Soon he'll have to pick one school.

By John Millea, Star Tribune
Last update: October 25, 2007 ? 10:05 PM

Willie Mobley was sitting on a sideline bench after football practice at Eden Prairie on Wednesday, talking about many things, including the pressure he feels from Minnesotans to play for the Gophers.

"I hear it everywhere I go," said the senior defensive lineman, who is now under the bright recruiting spotlight with the decision this week by Cretin-Derham Hall wide receiver Michael Floyd to attend Notre Dame.

Mobley's mother, Roshanak (everybody calls her Roxanne) moved to the United States from Iran when she was a child and graduated from St. Louis Park High School. There are many relatives in Iran, and Mobley plans to go there in the spring.

"I talk to them on the phone," he said. "They look at me on the Internet. But they don't know so much about football, so they say things like, 'Oh, are you going to the NFL?'"

Mobley, who has 26 scholarship offers, is looking at the recruiting process like a research project. He needs some data before reaching a conclusion.

"I just don't have enough information on those schools yet," he said. "They have to have good academics and extra help. I want to go somewhere where I can get help. I don't want to go to college and get straight C's. I want to learn. It's not about the NFL. That's the last thing on my mind. It's nothing like, 'Oh, I'm going straight to the NFL,' like a lot of these kids think."

Mobley, who is interested in studying kinesiology, has learned a few things during the recruiting process. For one, he doesn't trust anything that's posted on recruiting websites. He'll occasionally peruse them to see if friends have committed. Then he'll see his own name.

"It's like, 'Oh, shoot. Am I ready to look at this?' I look at it and they misquote me."
Eden Prairie coach Mike Grant said Mobley is probably just too nice for the back-alley, rumor-mongering world of Internet recruiting sites.

"[The website] Rivals from Wisconsin calls him and asks, 'What do you think about Wisconsin?' And he says, 'I think it's great.' So they go with, 'He's going to commit to Wisconsin,' " Grant said.

"And then they call him from Rivals in Ohio and he says, 'I love Ohio State.' And he's sincere. He likes all these guys. So in Ohio they report that he's going to commit to Ohio State. He isn't close to committing."
Prep football: Eden Prairie's Mobley wanted everywhere
Upvote 0
Im weary of this kid.. he tells everyone what they want to hear.. no reason to believe he's not telling our present committs what they want to hear even if it's not the truth..

Not saying we dont have as good a chance as anyone else, but I dont consider this kid as sealed and delivered as most
Upvote 0
Buckeyecty4;971999; said:
Im weary of this kid.. he tells everyone what they want to hear.. no reason to believe he's not telling our present committs what they want to hear even if it's not the truth..

Not saying we dont have as good a chance as anyone else, but I dont consider this kid as sealed and delivered as most

Don't be so quick to write this kid off...

Even when it appears that kids are telling every school what they want to hear, remember that they are being truthful to one of them... :wink:
Upvote 0
Buckeyecty4;971999; said:
Im weary of this kid.. he tells everyone what they want to hear.. no reason to believe he's not telling our present committs what they want to hear even if it's not the truth..

Not saying we dont have as good a chance as anyone else, but I dont consider this kid as sealed and delivered as most
In case you missed OSUBucks22's subsequent post:
OSUBucks22;972005; said:
Don't be so quick to write this kid off...

Even when it appears that kids are telling every school what they want to hear, remember that they are being truthful to one of them... :wink:
Upvote 0
Scout.com: The Whole Package

By Allen Wallace
National Recruiting Editor
Posted Oct 29, 2007

"I love their history and I've developed a great relationship with them so I'm really excited to be taking my visit there," Willie Mobley said about Ohio State. "It's gonna be cool to see Columbus and experience what it's like there during a game day. I've never been there before, so I don't really know what to expect. Ohio State has a great record, but for me it's more about their history..."

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