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DL Willie Mobley (transfer to Orange Coast, Arizona and NMSU)

Bucknuts $


Ohio State is recruiting him the hardest. UCLA is high on his list as well. Will not be attending the Minnesota vs Ohio State game due to Homecoming (dance).

If you can read the whole article there is quite a bit more to it. For those worried about UCLA it gives you some information that should make you feel a bit better. Ohio State bound IMO....eventually.
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OSUBuckeye4Life;942161; said:
Bucknuts $


Ohio State is recruiting him the hardest. UCLA is high on his list as well. Will not be attending the Minnesota vs Ohio State game due to Homecoming (dance).

If you can read the whole article there is quite a bit more to it. For those worried about UCLA it gives you some information that should make you feel a bit better. Ohio State bound IMO....eventually.

I like the fact that we are hitting him hard since this is an area of need. Go Bucks!:oh:
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HOLLYWOODBUCK;950694; said:
I watched the game man was not impressed at all. Competion was not great and he got threw around quite a bit only time i knew he was on the field was when they threw a pass to him which he fumbled out of bounds .

You mean except for all the times you saw him getting threw around the field, right?
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Yertle;952268; said:
You mean except for all the times you saw him getting threw around the field, right?
I watched that game and he was not all that impressive it could be double teams a bad night I'm not sure but it left me wondering what all the hype was about maybe potential?He is surely not Simon from Mooney.(It is the only game i have saw of him.}
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It's not always about game play per say. A lot has to do with athletic ability, potential and pedigree. Sure great games help, but don't get caught up in one game. Hell, I played with Dave Kadela, and he did nothing in HS and now plays in the NFL... you have to project sometimes.
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starBUCKS;952680; said:
It's not always about game play per say. A lot has to do with athletic ability, potential and pedigree. Sure great games help, but don't get caught up in one game. Hell, I played with Dave Kadela, and he did nothing in HS and now plays in the NFL... you have to project sometimes.

Exactly. I played Robiskie in HS and he had 1 catch in two years against us.

Mobley will be just fine I believe.
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A little cognitive dissonance, BKB and Yertle?

I wouldn't discount an eyewitness report offhand, just because it didn't sound as positive as expected. Heck if these same two grammatically challenged :biggrin: BPers had given a negative report on a prized scUM recruit, would we doubt them then?

But on the other hand, if our staff sees fit to offer Mobley a schollie, then I will give that the most merit by far. Maybe his HS coaches just don't know how to utilize his skills - don't know, I didn't see the game like Butcher and Hollywood did.
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NightmaresDad;953076; said:
A little cognitive dissonance, BKB and Yertle?

I wouldn't discount an eyewitness report offhand, just because it didn't sound as positive as expected. Heck if these same two grammatically challenged :biggrin: BPers had given a negative report on a prized scUM recruit, would we doubt them then?

But on the other hand, if our staff sees fit to offer Mobley a schollie, then I will give that the most merit by far. Maybe his HS coaches just don't know how to utilize his skills - don't know, I didn't see the game like Butcher and Hollywood did.

Good point about coaches not knowing how to utilize talent. Dean Smith was the only one capable of stopping Michael Jordan.
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