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DL Willie Mobley (transfer to Orange Coast, Arizona and NMSU)

wadc45;976275; said:
If I were a dancing banana, I would certainly be thinking about stretching...:biggrin:



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If Mobley commits, our DL will be looking pretty good over the next few years with big Cam, Sol Thomas, the Gladiator, Nathan Williams and Larrimore - not to mention Rose, Denlinger and Worthington who are old men as Sophomores this year... gotta love it! In fact I'm pretty darn excited about are young guys and recruits on D across the board...
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Top-ranked Eden Prairie crushes Edina 38-7
Eden Prairie's oft-overlooked defense took it to Edina's offense to convincingly win the Section 6 title.

By John Millea, Star Tribune
Last update: November 02, 2007 ? 10:40 PM

Anybody else want to take on Eden Prairie?
Undefeated Edina was the latest challenger to the top-ranked defending state champions of Class 5A football. And the result was similar to all 11 games Eden Prairie has played this season. The Eagles' 38-7 victory over the Hornets in Friday night's Section 6 championship game had a familiar script:

Score early, keep the opponent bottled up and then choke the ever-lovin' life out of them.

"We just had a different feeling tonight than in other games," said Eagles star defensive tackle Willie Mobley. "It was just a gut feeling we all had."

Top-ranked Eden Prairie crushes Edina 38-7
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Wow, he came to a quick decision after his OSU visit. Think he's seen all he needs to? I'm liking our chances. Shaping up to not only be a solid class (talent), but a very balanced class as well. If we close strong, looks like we'll address just about all our needs as far as the depth chart goes.

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