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DL Mike Kudla (R.I.P.)

I get you. I'm saying that's where I got the 4.8-4.9 idea from. There's also game speed which is different. If I had to guess I'd say he runs a high 4.6 40.

Game speed is not what gives the scouts 'wood'. They stiffen up at the combine when they see a guy run a 4.6 and pump the toothpick up 40 times. Like it or not, the combine is the best way to get the scouts stiff.

Mike will pass the looks test, the weight test, and when they see that hes does not run a 4.95 he very well may move up.

I don't see him going ahead of Santonio. He's the #1 wr and will be drafted as such.
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Sorry WW, but I don't see Kudla going above the 3rd round, even though I hope I'm wrong. IMO he doesn't really have an NFL position. He isn't big enough to be a full time NFL DE and he is too big to play LB in a 4-3. His only real option is an OLB in a 3-4 which rules out half the league. I think it will also hurt him that he only had one really good year of college. I know the scouts will cream over his combine results, but IMO that will only get him up into the 3rd round. It won't help him that so many juniors are declaring this year.
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I know he isn't a prototypical DE or DL (everyone "loves" the term tweener) but I'm going to guess that Mike's workout at the combine will get him into the first day of the draft. GMs will see his freakish strength and hopefully look more to the value of his versaillity than his lack of "specialist" qualities (huge, run-stuffing DL frame, nor tall, long-armed speed rush DE). Plus you know he'd be an instant special teams stud :biggrin: and the more you can do, the more valuable you'll be.
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Sorry WW, but I don't see Kudla going above the 3rd round, even though I hope I'm wrong. IMO he doesn't really have an NFL position. He isn't big enough to be a full time NFL DE and he is too big to play LB in a 4-3. His only real option is an OLB in a 3-4 which rules out half the league. I think it will also hurt him that he only had one really good year of college. I know the scouts will cream over his combine results, but IMO that will only get him up into the 3rd round. It won't help him that so many juniors are declaring this year.

I think Kudla will be fine even if he doesn't go in the first three rounds. Remember Coach Fickell and Mike Vrabel (also an NFL Tweener) are good friends, I'm sure Vrabes will help Kudla make any necessary transition. Kudla's draft combine measurables will make Kudla no less than a fourth round pick.
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I love Mike Kudla and I agree with most of the sentiment here that he will be extremely impressive at the combine. However, I plead with all of you to not compare him with Vrabel. Please check Vrabel's on-field performance. You will find it is unmatched by not only Kudla, but most DL's not named Will Smith since his departure. He will not be the second Buckeye drafted. That is ludicrous.
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Well, if NFL scouts go more on potential than past performance (as many have said in these kinds of threads), then you name me one other player with more NFL potential than Mike Kudla...tell me that 4.56 speed with a 610 bench isn't potential.
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