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DL Mike Kudla (R.I.P.)

Does "His-Man" really think that Bush has more "POTENTIAL" than Kudla?

Bush is a Heisman winner, Mr. Everything, a sure-fire, can't miss. Where does his potential lie?
Kudla is pretty much a "one year wonder." Special teams player as a freshman, fought like hell to find a position on the field for the past three years, in addition to fighting to see his 22nd birthday. When he finally made the most of his opportunity he nails first-team all Big-Ten, will set the combine record for reps, and will impress with all his physical skills. Bush goes #1 to the Texans, real easy pick. Kudla goes ....(God, dare I even pick a round).

Five years from now, with Reggie toiling behind a shitty OL, I'll guarantee you that Kudla will be seen as a steal when you compare their draft-day fairings.
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Does anyone know where I `can get a Kudla jersey?:osu: :osu:

I don't know where they got them, but there were 7 or 8 people sitting together at the Fiesta Bowl (obviously his Fam) who had #57 jerseys on, so they must be out there somewhere...I know, I know...a lot of help that is. :biggrin:
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In reference to the above post about the 7 or 8 people wearing Kudla jerseys...I happened to be fortunate enough to attend the Fiesta Bowl and my wife and I were walking towards the stadium prior to the game and wandered down a side street. There was a herd of folks walking in front of us wearing shirts & jerseys all with #57. I mentioned you must either be family or a bunch of loyal Kudla fans. They said they were family. Told them that Mike was a great representative of tOSU and we were looking for one more monster game out of him. One of the women chimed in they were hoping he wouldn't have too big of a game and she said the reason was she had a bet with Mike that if he got 3 sacks she had to get a tattoo. It was either his mom or an aunt. I believe Mike got his 3rd sack on the last play of the game.

Sorry for the long post on my first but it was one of my many highlights from the Fiesta Bowl.
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In reference to the above post about the 7 or 8 people wearing Kudla jerseys...I happened to be fortunate enough to attend the Fiesta Bowl and my wife and I were walking towards the stadium prior to the game and wandered down a side street. There was a herd of folks walking in front of us wearing shirts & jerseys all with #57. I mentioned you must either be family or a bunch of loyal Kudla fans. They said they were family. Told them that Mike was a great representative of tOSU and we were looking for one more monster game out of him. One of the women chimed in they were hoping he wouldn't have too big of a game and she said the reason was she had a bet with Mike that if he got 3 sacks she had to get a tattoo. It was either his mom or an aunt. I believe Mike got his 3rd sack on the last play of the game.

Sorry for the long post on my first but it was one of my many highlights from the Fiesta Bowl.

That's awesome :biggrin: ! I love stories like that. Fun to hear about, thanks for sharing. :osu:
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