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DL Mike Kudla (R.I.P.)

Although your response is about 200 letters longer than the total retard two posts above yours, you're smoking as much crack, or have been dropped on your head as many times when you were a baby, as heisman, if you think he runs a 4.8-4.9. If you think I'm shittin', check out Kudla running down Moroney. He may not be 4.5, but he's a lot closer to 4.5 than he is to 4.9.

It's not like I made it up or guessed. Here's the link that I got that info from. http://www.nfldraftscout.com/news/index.php?subaction=showfull&id=1135159676&archive=&start_from=&ucat=2&&

It says a 4.95.

By the way, I was shocked when I read that because I assumed he ran a 4.6-4.7.
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It's not like I made it up or guessed. Here's the link that I got that info from. http://www.nfldraftscout.com/news/index.php?subaction=showfull&id=1135159676&archive=&start_from=&ucat=2&&

It says a 4.95.

By the way, I was shocked when I read that because I assumed he ran a 4.6-4.7.

Watch the clip I linked earlier and tell me that he looks like a 4.95 guy. And although that story is dated December 21, 2005, it doesn't say when and where those times were taken. I don't care who took those times, I know just by my watching him that he's way faster than that...
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Watch the clip I linked earlier and tell me that he looks like a 4.95 guy. And although that story is dated December 21, 2005, it doesn't say when and where those times were taken. I don't care who took those times, I know just by my watching him that he's way faster than that...

I get you. I'm saying that's where I got the 4.8-4.9 idea from. There's also game speed which is different. If I had to guess I'd say he runs a high 4.6 40.
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It's bad enough that they list him at 4.95, which is ridiculous, but at least now I know where Musberger got his gem of a comment about Kudla being a "darkhorse" to have the most reps at 225 lbs on the bench.

Darkhorse my ugly white arse. He is a slam dunk, paint the endzones, bet the mortgage, and your mama's ugly too 100% mortal lock to have the most reps.
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I think Mike would make a great 3rd or 4th round OLB pick for the Browns. He seems a lot like Vrabel. I would love to see Carp and Kudla manning the OLB positions for the Browns next season.

I was thinking the same thing, Hawg. I think he could fill that role very well (minus the record-setting receiving stats, obviously). I think he could succeed as a pure DE, but I wonder if his combination of speed and strength may better serve him as this type of player. It seems like more teams are switching back to the 3-4 with a rushing linebacker, so it may be in demand.

And as for his speed, just ask Mr. Maroney if Kudla's got any wheels.
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I think Mike would make a great 3rd or 4th round OLB pick for the Browns. He seems a lot like Vrabel. I would love to see Carp and Kudla manning the OLB positions for the Browns next season.

Amen, brother!
Especially since they screwed up and won at the end of the year, sinking them down to the 12th pick and missing out on both Hawk and Greenway.
I think they are projected to pick up Rod Wright from TX in the first round
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Thanks for watching my back Milwood, but I really don't think I need it with this ignorant group.

YOU people are talking about Kudla being a 3rd or 4th round pick? You are totally on crack!

Kudla will be a guaranteed #2 with the physical attributes that he'll bring alone. Then the scouts will watch some game film and watch him running down RB's from his DE position, and realize that the numbers on their stopwatches aren't messed up.

For those who may not know this, drafting in the NFL isn't always about taking a kid who's done a damn thing. These combines are set up to basically allow the gurus to draft on potential moreso than proven talent.

Now, bear with me here and play along. Who out there thinks that Chris Spielman was the greatest LB we ever had here at TOSU? Okay, I see alot of hands raised. Now, who thinks that Chris Spielman was the greatest LB that we had at TOSU in the graduating class of 1987? Okay, that's great, I see ALL your hands raised. Now, explain to me why Eric Kumerow was taken #16 while Spielman went #29. I'll make it real easy, because Kumerow graded out higher in size, speed, strength. That's the point I'm making about Mike. He may not be the 2nd best football player we're sending into the draft, but he may end up being the 2nd most attractive. I'm NOT saying he'll be the 2nd guy picked, I'm just saying that I won't be surprised if he is.
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I think Mike would make a great 3rd or 4th round OLB pick for the Browns. He seems a lot like Vrabel. I would love to see Carp and Kudla manning the OLB positions for the Browns next season.

The Vrabel comparison is pretty good, and even though I'm not a Browns fan, I think that it would be awesome to see Carp and Kudla both playing LB there next year.
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