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DL Mike Kudla (R.I.P.)

I think Mike Kudla is an amazing individual. I didn't realize how serious his illness was. To go through what he went through is a miracle in itself. His character has got to be off the charts. How humbling that must have been. I'm not sure I would have survived, let alone rebounded like Mike did. My hats off to you Mike, for being a benchmark example of determination, and desire, and drive! I am sure I will see you playing in the NFL soon, and making the buckeye nation proud!
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From the Sports Xchange article:
Some close to the team say that Kudla could be a darkhorse candidate for the most repetitions of 225 at this year's combine.
Darkhorse? If I were a betting man, and I am, I would put down some money against anyone else putting up more than 50 reps, like Mike has done, this year.
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From the Sports Xchange article:

Darkhorse? If I were a betting man, and I am, I would put down some money against anyone else putting up more than 50 reps, like Mike has done, this year.

I so want to see a clip of him tossing that weight around with the strength coach from the Browns. That guy was classic last year.

Mike is a tremendous story. Definitely a reminder of never taking things for granted.
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Can you please explain?

I cannot recall the coach's name (I'm sure it is on the Browns' site), but they had clips of him putting the players through the weight-related tests at the combine. These were shown on the NFL Network. The guy is just classic old-school. Doesn't swear, but uses about every substitute swear word there is. I think he uses "stinkin" every other word. When he shows them how to breathe it is just hysterical. He made the players tuck in their shirts before they did the reps. He would give the players who were not lifting some guilt unless they were injured.

If you can see any of the combine highlights on NFL Network tune in for this guy, assuming he is still doing it.
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I cannot recall the coach's name (I'm sure it is on the Browns' site), but they had clips of him putting the players through the weight-related tests at the combine. These were shown on the NFL Network. The guy is just classic old-school. Doesn't swear, but uses about every substitute swear word there is. I think he uses "stinkin" every other word. When he shows them how to breathe it is just hysterical. He made the players tuck in their shirts before they did the reps. He would give the players who were not lifting some guilt unless they were injured.

If you can see any of the combine highlights on NFL Network tune in for this guy, assuming he is still doing it.

Man, I really wish I had NFL Network.
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