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DL Mike Kudla (R.I.P.)

Mike has been an absolute "internet darling" of Buckeye fans since he arrived here, and deservedly so. I can't ever recall a single negative thing ever being posted about Mike in the four years he's been here. He's been a pillar of strength, not only physically but as a human being in general.

As I look at this fine young man and what he's overcome, he is probably the player that I wish greater fortune on than any other player that's departing us. This "dead man walking" is going to WOW scouts at the combines like no other player in the country. After he devastates the previous record of 43 reps by about 10, he's going to go out and run about a 4.5 forty and the scouts eyes will bulge out of their heads. I truly believe that he will put himself in a strong position to go in the 1st Round. The general concensus seems to be that the departing Buckeyes will be drafted in this order:

Don't be surprised Mike goes second after A.J.
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Mike has been an absolute "internet darling" of Buckeye fans since he arrived here, and deservedly so. I can't ever recall a single negative thing ever being posted about Mike in the four years he's been here. He's been a pillar of strength, not only physically but as a human being in general.

As I look at this fine young man and what he's overcome, he is probably the player that I wish greater fortune on than any other player that's departing us. This "dead man walking" is going to WOW scouts at the combines like no other player in the country. After he devastates the previous record of 43 reps by about 10, he's going to go out and run about a 4.5 forty and the scouts eyes will bulge out of their heads. I truly believe that he will put himself in a strong position to go in the 1st Round. The general concensus seems to be that the departing Buckeyes will be drafted in this order:

Don't be surprised Mike goes second after A.J.

There's no way he's the second Buckeye selected. He does not run a 4.5. He runs about a 4.8-4.9. I could see Hawk, Holmes, Carpenter, Schlegal, Youboty, and Whitner going ahead of him. He's a great story and I wish him the best of luck.
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There's no way he's the second Buckeye selected. He does not run a 4.5. He runs about a 4.8-4.9. I could see Hawk, Holmes, Carpenter, Schlegal, Youboty, and Whitner going ahead of him. He's a great story and I wish him the best of luck.

Although your response is about 200 letters longer than the total retard two posts above yours, you're smoking as much crack, or have been dropped on your head as many times when you were a baby, as heisman, if you think he runs a 4.8-4.9. If you think I'm shittin', check out Kudla running down Moroney. He may not be 4.5, but he's a lot closer to 4.5 than he is to 4.9.
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With the new trend in the NFL going towards speed rushing ends, Mike should have no problem succeeding at the next level. I can't wait to see what kind of numbers he puts up at the pre-draft camps and what kind of buzz that generates. Mike was running down RBs all year so you can tell from game film what kind of speed he has, and he's strong as a bull. I'm willing to bet his stock starts to soar in late March-early April.
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