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DL Mike Kudla (R.I.P.)

Man, if Kudla is putting up this weight in college, just think about what he will be able to do in the Pro All-Star weekend challenge. Right now he has the pressures of school, NFL interviews/combines, and Im sure other issues. However, when he gets to the NFL, all his concentration will be put into his workouts - thats when he will be a F-R-E-A-K. Just thinking about what he will be able to do, gives me the image of David Bostons NFL body:

Give Mikey one year to get the word out of his bench press numbers and he will surely garner All-Star invites.
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Just thinking about what he will be able to do, gives me the image of David Bostons NFL body:

I really dont think you can compare Kudla to Boston. Kudla actually worked for what he is today. Boston had some "help" if you know what I mean. Those two shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence.
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I would say... think Dustin Fox as far as where I see Kulda going in the draft. Kiper would have laughed at ya before the combines that Fox would be a first day guy. Low and behold, he has the highest vertical jump at the combine that year (and 2nd highest jump in draft combine history, I believe) and becomes a 1st day pick. It's happend before!

Kuds has SLEEPER tatooed all over him. Some lucky team is going to get a hell of a player
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NFL combine

A good combo for combine

Ohio State's Kudla, a Highland graduate, hopes to impress NFL scouts with bench press, speed

By Marla Ridenour

Beacon Journal sportswriter

By the middle of next week, Mike Kudla might be rising on NFL Draft boards faster than anyone in the country.
The Ohio State defensive end from Highland High hopes to dazzle scouts with his workout numbers at the NFL combine. He reports today to Indianapolis as one of 12 Buckeyes among about 325 players invited.
Kudla, 6-foot-2 and 272 pounds, could be the talk of the town in the bench press, where prospects lift 225 pounds as many times as they can without a break. The unofficial record is 45. Kudla has hit 52 twice.
``For me benching is like second-nature, I've been doing it for so long,'' he said last month. ``For me it's something easy. Some guys can squat the world, for me it's the bench. Hopefully I can get up there in the 45 to 50 range. Anything over 30 is phenomenal.''
The bench test, which Kudla is scheduled to take Saturday, isn't what has piqued teammate Rob Sims' curiosity. The guard from Nordonia thinks that Kudla has a chance to run the 40-yard dash in 4.5 seconds.
``His 40 is real impressive. A lot more impressive than his bench to me,'' Sims said. ``I'm not up where he is, but I'm strong enough where we can be bench partners. Watching him run the way he runs.... Mike's numbers are going to be ridiculous.''
Kudla turned down an invitation to play in the Hula Bowl in January in Hawaii so he could concentrate on training for the combine. He remained at Ohio State to work with director of strength and conditioning Allan Johnson and his assistant Butch Reynolds, the Akron native who once held the world record in the 400-yard dash.
Kudla has said his best time in the 40 came the summer after his senior year in high school. He was clocked at 4.49 seconds when he was 35 pounds lighter. He's concentrated on working with Reynolds since the Fiesta Bowl.
``He's tweaking things here and there,'' Kudla said of Reynolds. ``You really can't change the way you've ran for the last 20-something years. He does a good job switching things up. Something real subtle can make a big difference. We're doing shuttle, three-cone drills, a lot of stuff for speed and agility.''
Kudla had his best season as a senior, accumulating 41 tackles, 11.5 tackles for losses and 9.5 sacks, three against Notre Dame in the Fiesta Bowl. His signature play came at Minnesota, when he ran down running back Laurence Maroney, who has 4.3 speed, and grabbed his jersey to stop him for no gain on fourth-and-2.
This could be Kudla's real time to shine.
``That's where I kind of excel,'' Kudla said of the combine workouts. ``I did a good job on the field. I need to go here and kind of hype the deal. I'm excited.''
Other OSU combine invitees are Sims, linebackers A.J. Hawk, Bobby Carpenter and Anthony Schlegel, safeties Donte Whitner and Nate Salley, cornerback Ashton Youboty, center Nick Mangold, wide receiver Santonio Holmes, defensive lineman Marcus Green and kicker Josh Huston. ESPN draft analyst Mel Kiper Jr. lists Hawk (6), Holmes (17), Youboty (21) and Carpenter (25) in his latest top 25.
Tops at their positions, Kiper said, are Hawk, Holmes, Mangold and Huston.
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Did Kudla lift today at the combine? I have been watching NFL network all day and have yet to see or hear anything about him. They showed some DL but not all, at least I can't imagine that was all of them. I figured that they were in 2 groups but there is no talk about a second group tomorrow.
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Kudla presses into Browns' view

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Mary Kay Cabot
Plain Dealer Reporter


-- The Browns are interested in Ohio State defensive end Mike Kudla, who will try to set the Combine bench-press record today.

"We did interview him [Friday night]," Browns General Manager Phil Savage said Saturday. "He seems like a real Class-A type of kid, he's from Medina, and you can tell he's a real power-packed body type."

Kudla (6-2, 265), who's currently projected as a mid-round pick, could skyrocket here by testing well -- primarily in the bench press and 40-yard dash. Today, he'll attempt to break the record of 45 bench press repetitions at 225 pounds set in 2000. He lifted the weight 52 times in July and 43 times when he tried it midseason.

"The bench press is just something that comes naturally to me," he said.
So will it mean something to NFL personnel types if he can achieve the feat?

"Yeah, if it didn't mean something, why are we here?" Savage said.

What might help even more is if he runs a 4.5 or 4.55 in the 40 on Monday -- remarkable for a player his size. He's been working on his speed at OSU with former track star Butch Reynolds.

"[A 4.5] would certainly help his stock," Savage said. "I think he'll wake up a lot of people. We know about him because he's local. I'm sure teams such as the Seattle Seahawks have scouted him, but if he runs a 4.5, he's going to alert a lot of people that you better go back and check him out."

Question for the Browns is, where would he fit in their 3-4 scheme?

"How could we actually utilize him?" Savage said. "It's still going to be an ongoing process for him because you don't know if he's going to be an outside 'backer, an end, an inside 'backer, is he a pass rusher, etc.?"

For teams wanting to scout Kudla as a linebacker, they need only to watch his play against Notre Dame in the Fiesta Bowl. Kudla, subbing for the injured Bobby Carpenter (broken ankle) at outside linebacker, sacked Brady Quinn three times. The trifecta pushed him to 9½ sacks for the season and into a tie for second in the Big Ten with teammate A.J. Hawk.

"That seems to be the tape a lot of people are watching," Savage said.

Kudla is convinced the breakout game bolstered his pro potential.

"I think it did," he said. "I think it kind of showcased my versatility and the things I'm able to do. In that game, we had Bobby out and I got pretty much asked to fill his shoes and still take on my role. I was still rushing the same but after that I was doing all the coverages along with A.J. [Hawk] and Anthony [Schlegel]. I think I did a good job of showing how versatile I am."

Kudla admitted it would be a dream for him to play for his hometown team.

"Yeah, I'm from Cleveland so I followed them," he said. "It'd be neat to play for them, but really to play in the NFL is a great honor, so anywhere you could play and throw on a professional uniform is the dream."

He said he enjoyed interviewing with the Browns.

"It went really well," he said. "You see all the coordinators and the coaches and it's pretty neat to sit down and meet with these people face-to-face. We talked about all sorts of things -- versatility, where to play, what my capabilities are and where I'd fit in that scheme."

Buckeyes coach Jim Tressel talked up Kudla to Browns coach Romeo Crennel at the Cleveland Touchdown Club Awards ceremony Monday night at the I-X Center. He told Crennel he thought Kudla would be a linebacker in the Browns' scheme.

"[I'd play] wherever they need me," he said. "If they want me to play at end, I can play end. If they want me to go outside [linebacker], I can go outside. Anywhere. I played several positions at Ohio State so it wouldn't be anything new."

Kudla, one of 12 Buckeyes here, has been overshadowed by Ohio State's star linebackers. But today, on a day when the big names like Hawk will be trotted out for the media, Kudla could steal a little bit of the limelight with a record-setting day.
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Sunday, February 26, 2006
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