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DL Mike Kudla (R.I.P.)

I would not be surprised at all if the Browns took Kudla. Our S&C coach was the spotter on the bench reps, and he acted like he knew who Kudla was. He said something like "theres goes the record guys," before he started lifting.
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Here's a little tidbit from ESPN which also talked about linebackers.

• The funny part about Mike Kudla's 45 reps at 225 pounds on the bench press is that no one told him that he could be approaching a record. Kudla is an Ohio State defensive tackle who kept lifting until he tired. He was told his 45 reps tied a combine record held by Leif Larsen, the defensive tackle from UTEP, who went in the sixth round of the 2000 draft. There are records that indicate Eastern Kentucky defensive tackle Justin Ernest had 51 in 1999. He wasn't drafted.

There's good old espn's attention to detail.
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Man, I don't know which is more impressive, the bench reps or the vertical. I think it was important for Mike to show that he can generate power from his lower body as well. Some guys are notorious for being upper body stiffs. Throw in versatility (DE/LB), a great work ethic, and the guy makes plays
when it counts, some team is going to draft themselves a winner.
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If the Browns draft Mike, I see him as quickly becoming the "face" of the franchise in real short time. With the base of Buckeye fans up here, coupled with the fact that he only grew up 40 minutes from Cleveland make him a real attractive commodity. I could see him on a popularity level as that of Golic when he was here. Mike has been an absolute internet darling here since the day he committed. His play on the field has finally caught up to the hype of the physical freakishness. I still think he's worthy of being a high second rounder, and would be thrilled if the Browns grab him there.
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