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DL Mike Kudla (R.I.P.)

Mike is shaping up to be one of those classic "sleeper" draft picks. On almost any other defense in the country, he would have been getting a ton of talk. I'll never forget being at my buddies house watching the Minny game. We had a bucket of BW3 wings and almost simultaneously horked them out screaming "Holy Shit!" when he ran down Maroney. We will see him in the Pro Bowl.
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Mike is shaping up to be one of those classic "sleeper" draft picks. On almost any other defense in the country, he would have been getting a ton of talk. I'll never forget being at my buddies house watching the Minny game. We had a bucket of BW3 wings and almost simultaneously horked them out screaming "Holy Shit!" when he ran down Maroney. We will see him in the Pro Bowl.
Whoever gets him, will certainly soon know why we like him so much here in Columbus.

Good luck, Mike.
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:groove: HAPPY BIRTHDAY KOOOOOODLA!!! :groove:

Cheers to you! :cheers:

I didn't know it was his b-day. Happy Birthday Mike!!
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