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DL Mike Kudla (R.I.P.)

you said the second round before how about we say the middle third?

You said: "No way kudla goes in the second round. At the very earliest he is a late 3rd rounder. I dont think he will go till maybe the 4th or 5th and hopefully to the browns because i think he is a sleeper." I disagreed with the "no way" comment, because I think he has a good chance of going in the second, and in my mind is pretty much a lock to go be picked by the end of the third because of his workouts.

How about 5,000 vCash on this: I say he gets picked on or before pick #24 of the third round. If he gets picked on #25 of the third round or later, then you win. Now, injuries that may occur between now any the draft negate the bet (I would imagine he's done doing workouts for teams, some hopefully this will be a non-issue). Deal?
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Don't forget that the loser should have to put the loss in his sig in very, very small letters of the least visible font possible. :p

I'd love to see Kudla go in the second round and hope some team thinks likewise. Not sure you can put a price tag on the type of fire it takes to come back from the type of setbacks Kudla had. I tend to think we might not even be talking second round if he'd been healthy through his time at OSU.
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How about 5,000 vCash on this: I say he gets picked on or before pick #24 of the third round. If he gets picked on #25 of the third round or later, then you win. Now, injuries that may occur between now any the draft negate the bet (I would imagine he's done doing workouts for teams, some hopefully this will be a non-issue). Deal?

Umm...Mili, the guy only has 642 vCash. 5,000 is a little out of his limits.
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